Scholars Program

What is Scholars?


The Scholars Program is a distinctive academic community within the larger Santa Monica College campus.  This Program aims to prepare students, particularly freshman students, first-generation college students, students from underserved schools and communities, and non-traditional students for transfer to the colleges and universities of their choice, through academic preparation and study.

Through special transfer agreements with top four-year colleges and universities, Scholars students get priority consideration for admissions to the following campuses:  UCLA (all majors in The College, as well as Public Affairs, Public Health and Education and Social Transformation through TAP), UC Irvine, Loyola Marymount University, Chapman University, University of San Francisco, University of San Diego, and Pomona College, just to name a few.

The Scholars Program philosophy is to promote mastery of subject matter demonstrated through writing, exposure to research, critical thinking, and analysis. Scholars courses are taught by faculty that are highly recommended by their respective departments and their students. The Scholars Program coursework provides students with the educational background and preparation essential to university-level work.