Black Collegians

Program Services


Black Collegians Program Umoja Community

Academic Success
Personal Growth

The Black Collegians Program Umoja Community at SMC is designed to assist students of African American descent in transferring to a 4 year university. Our program counselors offer academic, career, and personal counseling to help students achieve their academic goals.

  • On average, Black Collegians Umoja students have statistically higher GPAs than African American students who are not in the program.

  • BC students persist to the next fall term at a higher rate than African American students who are not in the program.

  • First-time freshman students and continuing students in the program successfully complete their enrolled courses at a higher rate than students who are not.

Join Black Collegians Umoja Today

We offer two enrollment cycles:
Late June to early September - for Fall Enrollment
Early January to early March - for Spring Enrollment

Attend one of our orientation sessions and meet with a Black Collegians Counselor to complete the process of joining. See the orientation schedule for the current enrollment period by following the link below. Register for the orientation date that works best with your schedule by following the corresponding Zoom meeting registration link.

Black Collegians Fall 2024  Orientation Schedule(PDF File) (opens in new window)

Black Collegians