Gateway to Persistence and Success


Gateway to Persistence and Success

What is GPS?

  • SMC's GPS (Gateway to Persistence and Success) is an online platform to support student success and retention.
  • Faculty can proactively reach out to students to get them involved and supported in their academic success.
  • Students can access Support Services, Counseling, Tutoring, and other services more quickly than the existing channels of support on campus.

This 60 second video explains how GPS is here to support students in their academic success. 

Have you heard about SMC's GPS system?

I'm ready to start!

Login with your SMC username and password.

Login to SMC GPS (opens in new window)

I'm interested, but tell me more.

Student Guide to GPS

Instructional Faculty Guide to GPS

Counseling Faculty Guide to GPS

Admin Guide to GPS 

The Main Features of GPS

What Faculty and Students Are Saying

Professor N.
Professor N., Faculty
“I got immediate responses from two students when I raised flags for missing assignments."
Yasna Y., SMC Student
“I logged into GPS and Raised My Hand to meet with an Academic Counselor. I was contacted within 48 business hours."

How does GPS Benefit Students?

Watch this 50 second video of student Alex R.'s reaction to receiving a kudos from her professor. 

I'm convinced, let's go.

Login with your SMC Username and Password.

Login to SMC GPS (opens in new window)

Questions or Concerns?

Email us at