SMC’s New Mandatory Vaccination Program
Dear SMC Students:
I am truly hopeful that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. This has been an incredibly difficult year, and at Santa Monica College, you have been on our minds. Please take the time to read this important update about a critical milestone in SMC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The information that follows relates to ways we will move forward at the College to create a safer on-ground experience for students.
New SMC Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Program—with Exemptions for Certain Criteria
At their August 3 meeting last night, the SMC Board of Trustees unanimously passed a resolution authorizing the Superintendent/President to implement a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination program that applies to all SMC students attending on-ground classes or accessing services indoors in the Fall 2021 semester. Many local, state, and federal agencies have announced similar vaccine mandates, including major education systems such as the University of California and the California State University.
Students whose classes are fully online will not need to prove vaccination status. Certain drive-through/walk-through services will be available for unvaccinated students at designated outdoor locations approved by the Superintendent/President.
In the next few weeks, those of you who will be attending on-ground classes in Fall 2021 will need to provide proof of vaccination or document that you qualify for a mandatory vaccination exemption.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please monitor your SMC email for further updates and links to forms where you will
upload proof of vaccination and provide information to seek exemption or deferral.
Where to Get Free Vaccinations
If you have not already done so, free vaccinations are available throughout Los Angeles County. Free vaccine clinics are also being scheduled at Santa Monica College locations on a rolling basis! Get a free vaccine appointment at SMC and in Los Angeles County.
Seeking Exemption or Deferral
Students seeking vaccination exemption or deferral must first demonstrate that they meet one of the following criteria:
- vaccine contraindication or precaution, documented by a medical excuse
- an exemption due to disability
- temporary deferral during the period of pregnancy
- religious objection based on a person’s sincerely held religious beliefs, practice or observance.
Note that unvaccinated students with approved exemptions or accommodations will be required to undergo COVID-19 testing at least once a week before they may access any SMC campus or facility. More information and details will be provided in the coming days regarding testing; please monitor your SMC email for updates!
Where Can I Go if I Have More Questions?
This frequently asked questions webpage will help answer some of your questions. This page will be updated as additional inquiries are received.
Santa Monica College is currently working on implementation procedures to track vaccination status and weekly test results. This will be a secure system, designed to protect the privacy of students in accordance with all applicable laws. We will alert you as this system comes online.
Students who are enrolled in online courses (not on-ground) and are not affected by the mandatory vaccination program, we strongly encourage you to get vaccinated voluntarily. According to public health officials at LA County Department of Public Health and the CDC, vaccination is the most effective way available to prevent and mitigate transmission and limit COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in light of the increased risk posed by the Delta variant of COVID-19.
Your health and wellbeing are extremely important to us. I have heard from many students and know that you are ready for the type of more engaging college experience you can only get on-ground.
Please continue to observe safety protocols—wear masks, sanitize frequently, and make choices to reduce the spread of COVID-19. At SMC, we will in earnest strive to keep our community healthy. We will be leading the way together, leading the way safely, and leading the way with empathy.
Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D.
Dear SMC Colleagues:
I am writing to notify you that last night (August 3), after careful consideration, the SMC Board of Trustees unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the Superintendent/President to implement a mandatory vaccination program for the Santa Monica College community. This vaccination program is a critical milestone in the college’s response to a pandemic that has upended—and taken—lives in our local community, the nation, and across the globe. This action was a step not taken lightly.
The Board’s action was taken at the recommendation of the SMC Emergency Operations Team (EOT) in view of the increased risk posed by the Delta variant of COVID-19. This step was guided by public health recommendations from the LA County Department of Public Health, California Department of Public Health and the CDC stating that vaccination is the most effective way available to prevent and mitigate transmission and limit COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths.
SMC’s vaccine program is modeled after similar programs announced by public educational
institutions such as the University of California and the California State University
systems. Many local, state, and federal agencies have announced similar vaccine mandates. (Read
the full Board resolution on page 29 of the agenda).
Mandatory vaccination applies to all SMC employees who will be physically present and/or who will need to access college campuses and facilities, with exceptions and deferrals for situations including medical reasons, disability, pregnancy, or sincerely held religious beliefs.
Here are the major requirements of the new SMC mandatory vaccination program. It will:
- Require evidence of vaccinations for all students taking on-ground classes beginning in the Fall 2021 semester.
- Require that all employees: (1) report their vaccination status to the District by August 16, 2021, and (2) if unvaccinated, be fully vaccinated and report that vaccination status to the District by September 15, 2021.
- Provide a process for vaccination exception or deferral in the following situations:
(a) medical excuse from receiving COVID-19 vaccine due to medical contraindication
or precaution; (b) disability; (c) during the period of any pregnancy; or (d) religious
objection based on a person’s sincerely held religious beliefs, practice or observance.
Whenever an exception or deferral has been made, regular COVID-19 testing with evidence of negative test results will be required prior to any unvaccinated person accessing District campuses or facilities. - Deploy procedures to track the vaccination status and test results of students and employees in a secure system designed to protect the privacy of students and employees in accordance with applicable laws.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A follow-up email will come directly from Human Resources including additional information related to the process for both vaccinated and unvaccinated employees with instructions on how to file for one of the exemptions/deferral.
Unvaccinated employees with approved exemptions or accommodations will be required to undergo COVID-19 testing at least once a week before they may access any SMC campus or facility.
Where to Get Free Vaccinations
If you have not already done so, free vaccinations are available throughout Los Angeles County. Free vaccine clinics are also being scheduled at Santa Monica College locations on a rolling basis! Get a free vaccine appointment at SMC and in Los Angeles County.
Frequently Asked Questions
A frequently asked questions webpage has been developed to help answ>er your questions. This page will be updated as additional inquiries are received.
Please know the safety and wellbeing of the entire college community has been our highest priority throughout this pandemic, and continues to be so. The Board’s decision to authorize the mandatory vaccination program for SMC was the result of careful consideration of all the data and scientific evidence on hand. I want to share that the Board appreciated all comments provided in writing or during the Board meeting.
I am truly appreciative of the ways each member of this college community is continuing to manage all of the uncertainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic. At SMC, we will in earnest strive to keep our community healthy. We will be leading the way together, leading the way safely, and leading the way with empathy.
Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D.