March 25, 2020
An Urgent Recommendation from Public Health on Mild COVID-19 Symptoms
Dear SMC Students:
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has issued this urgent guidance during this time of increased spread of COVID-19 (the coronavirus):
If you are mildly sick, stay home for at least 7 days or until 72 hours after being fever free, whichever is longer. Call your doctor if you are concerned and/or your symptoms worsen. Individuals who are elderly, have underlying health conditions or are pregnant should consider contacting their healthcare providers earlier when they are sick.
For persons with mild respiratory illness that can be safely managed at home, doctors
may not require them to get tested (see “When is testing for COVID-19 not recommended?”).
People who are presumed to be positive by their doctor but have not been tested should also do the following:
Stay home until at least 7 days after your symptoms started AND at least 3 days after you have recovered. “Recovered” means your fever is gone (for 72 hours without medications) and your cough, shortness of breath, and other symptoms have significantly improved. Clean your hands well and often, preferably with soap and water
Separate yourself from people and animals in your home
Wear a mask if you do need to be around other people
Call your doctor early if you are 65 years and older, pregnant, or have a health condition such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or a weakened immune system.
Call ahead before visiting your doctor
It is important—for your personal health and wellbeing, but especially for those who are at greater risk of not being able to recover from COVID-19—that we follow these precautions. Together we can help save lives.
-Dr. Susan Fila, SMC Director of Health & Wellbeing