
Don't Miss Out

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Take More Classes, Finish Faster. Get Enrolled.

Don't Miss Out. Get Enrolled.

Go to Corsair Connect and Get Enrolled (opens in new window)

What are you waiting for? Enroll early to get the best classes.

Enroll in more classes to finish faster. Don’t miss the deadlines.

Current Students: Visit Corsair Connect (opens in new window) to check your enrollment date and get enrolled.

New Students: Apply to SMC today!

Check Out Career Education Programs!

#business, #accounting, #mediaproduction, #journalism, #filmproduction, #promopathway, #cs, #cosmetology, #IxD, #interiordesign, #graphicdesign, #earlychildhoodeducation, #fashiondesign, #merchandising, #nursing, #respiratorytherapy, #photography, #solar, #recycling, #theater, #technicaltheater

Visit Career Technical Education (CTE) to learn more about career education programs.

Get the Classes You Need to Transfer and Graduate!

SMC Graduation

To choose your classes, go to MyEdPlan (opens in new window) .

You can either request an online review of your plan or see a counselor in person for more help!

First-Year Students: Welcome Center

Continuing Students: Transfer Counseling Center

Special Program Participant: Special Programs

Enrollment Checklist

Proud to Be SMC