Management Association Officers, 2022-2024

Scott Silverman, President

Lizzy Moore, Vice-President

Kiersten Elliott, Coordinator

Christopher Bonvenuto, Treasurer

Management Association Executive Committee, 2022-2024

Scott Silverman, M.A. President
Lizzy Moore, M.A. Vice-President
Chris Bonvenuto, Treasurer
Kiersten Elliott, Coordinator
Tre'Shawn Hall-Baker, Human Resources Representative
Susan Fila, M.A. Past-President
Jose Hernandez, at-large member 
Dennis Biddle, at-large member
Hannah Lawler, at-large member 

Management Association Liaisons

Chris Bonvenuto and Dione Carter
M.A. Representatives on District Planning and Advisory Council (DPAC)

Chris Bonvenuto
M.A. Representative on DPAC Budget Planning Subcommittee

Kiersten Elliott
M.A. Representative on Professional Development Committee

Past Management Association Presidents

Susan Fila, 2020-2022

Eve Adler, 2018-2020

Chris Bonvenuto, 2016-2018

Bob Dammer, 2014-2016

Greg Brown, 2013-2014

Brenda Benson, 2012-13

Judy Neveau, 2011-2012

Al Vasquez, 2010-2011

Erica LeBlanc, 2009-2010

Kiersten Elliott, 2008-2009

Mona Martin, 2007-2008