Graphic Design
Hi I'm Fernando Herrera, from Santa Monica, California, and I'm on a design journey
shaped by a unique inspiration: my countless encounters with the world of UI/UX design
in entertainment media, particularly through video games. With every game I played,
I found myself dissecting its user interface, assessing its user experience, and brainstorming
ways to enhance it. This fascination has fueled my desire to delve deeper into the
field of UI/UX design, with a particular focus on the gaming industry.
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Underground Museum Rebrand
Create designs for The Underground Museum this will include brochure, logo, posters
and merchandise.
There were two main issues that arose, the first being the wordmark logo. There was nothing memorable or significant about the logo that represented the Underground Museum. Secondly there was not a clear brand identity that I can follow or use as a base for inspiration when it came to rebranding the Museum for different mediums