Malibu Campus Summer 2025 Classes
Below are the classes being offered for Summer 2025.
Credit classes can be used to earn an Associate degree or transfer to a four-year college or university. Enrollment for summer begins in late April 2025. Your enrollment date will be listed in Corsair Connect (current students), or Apply Now using the Step-by-Step guide (opens in new window) , click on "New" or "Returning" students.
BUS 1, Introduction to Business • 3 units; UC, CSU
An overview of the functional areas of business in a global society. Students will complete the course with knowledge of the general business environment, economic systems, business ethics, operations and project management, and technology and information systems. In addition, students will learn the fundamentals of economics, business ownership, entrepreneurship, finance, management, leadership, and marketing. Key themes woven throughout the course include exploration of career options and development of business problem-solving skills.
Course Number: 1089 Time: 10:15 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. MW Location: MALBU 219 Instructor: Oliveri J S
Course Number: Time: Arrange - 4.5 Hours Location: ONLINE Instructor: Above section 1089 is a hybrid class taught online via the Internet and at the Malibu Campus, 23555 Civic Center Way, Malibu CA 90265. Please be advised that the distance between the Main SMC Campus and the Malibu Campus is approximately 15 miles. Please plan your schedule to accommodate travel time, which will vary depending on time of day and mode of transportation. For additional information, go to
Noncredit classes TBD
The Emeritus Program is a noncredit, free, lifelong learning program offering classes
designed for older adults. Enrollment for Summer 2025 Emeritus courses will open in late April 2025 for New and Returning students. Download: The Emeritus enrollment form (opens in new window) and email it to You may also drop it off to the mail slot in our office at 1227 2nd Street, Santa
Monica, CA. 90401. The rest of the Summer 2025 Emeritus schedule will be posted on
the Emeritus website page.
ART E16, Life Drawing Studio
This course provides a opportunity for older adults to learn to see the human form and draw the anatomy of the human figure. This supportive class explores basic anatomy, movement, and skeletal structure of the figure using live models. Through demonstrations, class exercises, individual instruction, and guidance, beginning students learn basic life drawing skills, while more advanced students sharpen their skills in capturing the physical attributes of the model and expressiveness of the pose.
Course Number: 9504 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. TLocation: MALBU 220Instructor: Harrison A B
ART E22, Watercolor
This course allows older adults who have never used watercolors to acquire a strong foundation in watercolor techniques, and provides those students with some watercolor experience with a strongly supportive peer group in which to paint. Older adult students learn watercolor techniques and methods, as well as washes, brush strokes, color, value, and composition.
Course Number: 9613 Time: 1 - 3:15 p.m. WLocation: MALBU 220Instructor: Harrison A B
ENGL E27, Poetry and Fiction
This course helps older adults explore a wide variety of poetry; in particular, poetry as adventure, confirmation, and renewal. Older adults also employ selected poems as a means to examine their life experiences and discuss these experiences with their peers. This course is designed to refresh older adults’ enjoyment and increase their appreciation of poetry as a means of expression, and helps older adults explore poetry in relation to other types of literature, in particular in its use of language and imagery.
Course Number: 9527 Time: 1 - 2:45 p.m. FLocation: MALBU 219Instructor: Fox Jr R W
ENGL E30, Creative Writing
This course nurtures, revitalizes, and stimulates older adult writers who may already be producing or thinking about producing written material. The course is intended to discover, encourage, and develop untapped writing talent in older adults. It also allows older adults to develop and refine their writing and self expression skills, discuss their writing with peers, and comment on their peers’ writing in a respectful and constructive manner. The course is also a forum for older adults to share their creative voices with peers.
Course Number: 9529 Time: 9:30 - 11:20 a.m. M Location: MALIBU 112Instructor: Davis C V
ENGL E33, Autobiography
This course helps older adults review and integrate the experiences that have shaped their lives, share memories with peers, and create a record of events for themselves and their families. Through this class older adults achieve a sense of pride in their accomplishments, improve their writing abilities, and express themselves in writing that can be shared with family, friends, and the public if desired.
Course Number: 9534 Time: 3 - 4:50 p.m. F Location: MALBU 219Instructor: Fox Jr R W
HEALTH E85, Pilates Level 1
This course is designed to introduce Emeritus students to the beginning Pilates matwork technique of exercise, starting with 30 basic exercises. Pilates is a unique method of body control and conditioning. It consists of stretching and strengthening the muscles, while improving flexibility and balance.
Course Number: 9613 Time: 12 - 1:15 p.m. TThLocation: MALBU 103Instructor: Muftuoglu G
POL SC E00, Current Events
This course increases older adults' understanding of local, national, and international current affairs and how it affects their lives as well as the world around them. Older adults consider the political, economic, and social movements that determine domestic and foreign policies in the United States and around the world.
Course Number: 9599 Time: 9:30 - 11:20 a.m. MLocation: MALBU 202Instructor: Sarkissian R
Community Education classes TBD.