Malibu Campus Winter 2024 Classes
Below are the classes being offered for Winter 2024. Classes begin the week of January 2, 2024.
Not offering during the Winter 2024 session.
Not offering during the Winter 2024 session.
The Emeritus Program is a noncredit, free, lifelong learning program offering classes designed for older adults. Registration and enrollment for Winter 2024 Emeritus courses will open on Monday, November 13, 2023.
for New and Returning students. Download: The Emeritus enrollment form (opens in new window) and email it to You may also drop it off to the mail slot in our office at 1227 2nd Street, Santa
Monica, CA. 90401.
ART E16, Life Drawing Studio
This course provides an opportunity for older adults to learn to see the human form and draw the anatomy of the human figure. This supportive class explores basic anatomy, movement, and skeletal structure of the figure using live models. Through demonstrations, class exercises, individual instruction, and guidance, beginning students learn basic life drawing skills, while more advanced students sharpen their skills in capturing the physical attributes of the model and expressiveness of the pose.
Course Number: 9612 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. WLocation: MALBU 220Instructor: Harrison A B
ART E20, Drawing and Painting
This course provides older adults with a supportive environment for instruction in drawing and painting. Older adults, from beginners to more advanced students, maintain or improve their drawing and/or painting skills in a constructive environment, and learn about space, line, value, and color in a workshop atmosphere.
Course Number: 9611 Time: 1 - 3:50 p.m. FLocation: MALBU 220Instructor: Tirr C A
ENGL E33, Autobiography
This course helps older adults review and integrate the experiences that have shaped their lives, share memories with peers, and create a record of events for themselves and their families. Through this class older adults achieve a sense of pride in their accomplishments, improve their writing abilities, and express themselves in writing that can be shared with family, friends, and the public if desired.
Course Number: 9614 Time: 2 - 3:50 p.m. F Location: MALBU 219Instructor: Fox Jr R W
Community Education is a not-for-credit, fee-based program focused on promoting personal enrichment and professional development. For more information and to enroll in a Community Education class, please go to (opens in new window) Enrollment starts Nov. 15, 2023 for Winter 2023.
Beginning Spanish – Level 1
Course Number: Tue Time: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Location: Malbu 119Instructor: Cecilia DigheroAbove class meets on Tuesdays, Jan. 2 to Feb. 6, 2024.
Beginning Spanish – Level 2
Course Number: Thurs Time: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Location: Malbu 119Instructor: Cecilia DigheroAbove class meets on Thursdays, Jan. 4 to Feb. 8, 2024.