RISING (Re-entering Incarcerated and System Impacted Navigating Greatness) Program
The RISING Program provides support services to formerly incarcerated and system impacted students enrolling at Santa Monica College.
The RISING Program is committed to empowering students with the successful transition into college after incarceration. RISING supports the enrollment, retention, graduation, and transfer of system impacted and formerly incarcerated students and aims to support the academic, social, and emotional well-being of participants by providing services that are focused on access, equity and inclusion.
The RISING Program is being developed by the passion and dedication of the RISING Program Advisory Committee (opens in new window) comprised of faculty, classified professionals, managers and students.
If you would like to connect with the RISING Program, receive support and information, and learn about upcoming events and services please complete our application form:
RISING Application Form (opens in new window)
To make an appointment with a RISING Program Academic Counselor, please email RISING@smc.edu and we will reply to schedule your appointment. Appointments are available on Tuesdays through Fridays, and some Saturdays.
Melissa Brandan, Nick Bravo, Rohan Desai, Alex Ortega
Debra Joseph-Locke, Interim Dean of Special Programs
Rebecca Romo, Faculty, Philosophy and Social Sciences