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SMC Malibu Campus remains closed Friday, March 14 – Sunday, March 16, 2025 and will reopen on Monday, March 17.
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Read & Write Premium App for Google Chrome & EquatIO for Math



All Santa Monica College students with an email account can use TextHelp's Read & Write Premium App for Google Chrome free of charge. This powerful app allows students who are logged into Google Chrome with their student email accounts and working in Google Docs the ability to do the following:

  • Listen to the text read aloud
  • Use the built in regular dictionary and picture dictionary
  • Voice type into the Google Doc
  • Use word prediction
  • Use highlighters to highlight text with different colors and collect highlighted text for studying
  • Translate text to different languages
  • Create MP3s of text being read aloud

Here is a two-minute video on How to set up the Read & Write App for Google Chrome (opens in new window)

Once you've set up Read&Write, watch this two-minute Introduction to Read & Write App for Google Chrome (opens in new window)

If you want more in-depth tutorials, TextHelp has created several videos on YouTube covering specific features: Feature Demos for Read & Write for Google Chrome (opens in new window)

Introduction to the new math app for all SMC students from TextHelp  called EquatIO (opens in new window)

Here is a video on How to Set up EquatIO (opens in new window) and use it for Free