warning Icon SMC Malibu Campus Remains Closed

SMC Malibu Campus remains closed Friday, March 14 – Sunday, March 16, 2025 and will reopen on Monday, March 17.
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Courses at HTTC


Counseling 21H

In the context of the appropriate assistive technology and ergonomics, students learn word processing skills needed for completion of written academic assignments.

Counseling 22H

In the context of the appropriate assistive technology and ergonomics, students learn Internet skills and resources helpful for academic coursework.

Counseling 25H​

In the context of the appropriate assistive technology and ergonomics, students learn software programs relevant to their academic success. Programs address academic strategies and reference tools (e.g., brainstorming, organizing information, planning, spelling and homonym checking, dictionaries and thesauri), text to speech technology, and the fundamentals of industry-standard applications used in mainstream courses.

Courses offered in 25H:

    • Microsoft Excel
    • Microsoft PowerPoint
    • Microsoft Access
    • Photoshop
    • Dreamweaver
    • File Management
    • Inspiration
    • Kurzweil 3000

Counseling 26

In the context of the appropriate assistive technology and ergonomics, students learn features of industry-standard applications (e.g., formatting a research paper in Word, creating a multimedia PowerPoint presentation) professors expect students to use for their course assignments. Students will use these technologies to create a short research paper and a PowerPoint presentation relevant to their academic coursework and/or learning strategies.

Schedules for Counseling 21H/22H/25H/26 are arranged by instructors.

Counseling 21H/22H/25H/26 are available in the Fall and Spring semesters only.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this class, students will conclude that the skills learned in their High Tech Training Center courses had a positive impact on their academic work as measured by a 6 point Lickert scale and written feedback. High Tech Center SLO Survey Question (opens in new window)

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