Still wondering what to study after high school? Trying to see what career would
be a “good fit” for you? Start off here!
Career and Major Exploration Resources
The COUN 12 - Exploring Careers and College Majors (opens in new window) course is a fun way to understand more of who you are and what’s out there to choose
from. Assessments, reflections, and career exploration tools will be administered
and utilized. A fast way to start feeling more comfortable with your decision, in
only 8 weeks! (6 weeks during winter/summer).
Candid Career (opens in new window) is a helpful resource if you want to begin career exploration. This resource will
let you know which degree(s) you’ll need to complete, the average annual income, and
how to start gaining experience.
College System
The Relationship between Community Colleges and 4-year Schools
Counseling: Assists you with planning which classes you’ll need to take to meet your academic
goals. Also provides additional resources when navigating college.
How to Get Campus Support and Involved in Campus Life!