Many employers from a variety of industries are interested in SMC students as they look to hire for entry-level positions. There are three main ways job openings are communicated with our students.
The SMC website for Jobs & Internships is a free searchable employer database called HireSMC. The service is like or LinkedIn, but for employers seeking to work with Santa Monica College students. The following opportunities can be found on this website: off-campus jobs, internships, and on-campus jobs.
Job seekers can access this portal via the website above or on their phones and other mobile devices by downloading HireSMC (opens in new window) .
Students registered can opt-in to be notified about Upcoming On-Campus Recruitments. Before applying for jobs, students should review the Employment Requirements. (opens in new window)
Employers registered can also opt-in to be notified about Upcoming On-Campus Recruitments. Helpful information for employers: How to Post a Job on HireSMC (opens in new window) and Internship Requirements. (opens in new window)