Applied and Student Learning Student Application and Agreement Form: To participate in the Applied and Service Learning Program, you must complete and submit the Applied ane Service Learning Student Application and Agreement Form. This form serves several purposes. First, it used to identify you as an applied learning participant. Second, it is to connect you with the course containing an applied learning component, the SMC instructor teaching the course, the community partner where you will be providing assistance, and the Applied and Service Learning Program at Santa Monica College. Third, the form lists expectations of you as an applied learning student. Finally, it is also used to facilitate communication between all parties involved in applied and service learning; therefore helping to promote safety and reduce risk.
Student Application and Agreement forms will be provided during your class’ Student Orientation (see your course syllabus for additional information). You may also download a copy of the Student Application and Agreement (opens in new window) . Student Application and Agreement forms will not be accepted after the deadline. Please refer to your course syllabus for dates and deadlines. This form requires your signature as well as the community partner supervisor’s signature.
Student Expectations and Release of Liability: Included on the Student Application and Agreement form is a list of student expectations. Please remember that you are representing SMC in the community. As such, we ask you to carefully read and abide by these expectations created to assist you in having a productive applied and service learning experience possible.
Student Expectations
Honor Your Commitment: You are responsible for securing a position with an approved community partner. However, specific hours of involvement will be determined mutually by you and the organization supervisor. Once a schedule is determined, be punctual and responsible. Call your supervisor if you anticipate being late or absent. The community partner has selected you to be a reliable and contributing team member. The organization and the people served by the organization will be depending on you to complete the hours you arranged previously. If a community partner terminates your applied learning position, please notify your SMC instructor and the Career Services Center.
Ask for Help: If you are uncertain about expectations, responsibilities and/or are uncomfortable about any applied learning experience, speak with your community partner supervisor, SMC instructor, and/or the Career Services Center.
Respect Confidentiality: You are privy to confidential information with whom you are working, it is important that you treat this information as private. When writing and/or sharing your experiences, always use pseudonyms when referring to people served by the organization. This confidentiality expectation includes understanding and respecting photo policies, and if permitted to take photos, keeping them off internet/social media sites unless given proper authorization. Placement within a community partner is an educational opportunity and a privilege.
Be Professional: Remember the community partner is serving you by investing their valuable resources in your learning, while you are serving in the community. Treat those at the organization and the people served by the organization with courtesy. Be mindful of your attitude and act and dress appropriately at all times. Set a positive standard for other SMC students to follow as part of the SMC Applied and Service Learning Program.
Remain Flexible and Open: You may be exposed to other cultures and lifestyles that may differ from your own, opening avenues to learning, sharing, and engaging in meaningful dialogue. In addition, the nature of the work and assignments at a community partner is not always predictable. Your supervisor understands the issues at your organization and can be very helpful in any questions or concerns you may have.
Follow Policies: Students participating in an applied learning course must comply with the community partner’s policies and regulations as well as SMC’s Honor Code, Code of Academic Conduct and the Student Conduct Code. A community partner may ask a student to leave the organization if he/she violates its policies and regulations. Note that some community partners may require a student to complete a background check, attend required trainings, orientations, and/or meetings, be fingerprinted, or complete a TB test as part of his/her placement with an organization.
Complete Hours and Service: To complete the required number of hours of involvement at the above organization. Hours counted toward the minimum hours of requirement begin after submitting all required forms and receiving approval from the Career Services Center. Failure to complete the minimum number of hours of involvement and/or assignments (i.e. time log, reflections, evaluation) listed in the course syllabus may affect a student course grade.
Safety: Do not go beyond the scope of your assigned responsibilities. Use judgement in refusing risky or inappropriate requests and situations. If you encounter any problems, emergencies, safety hazards, concerns, or suggestions, contact your organization supervisor, SMC instructor, and/or the Career Services Center.
Transportation: You are responsible for arranging any form of transportation to and from your assigned community partner. You are not to transport any person and/or materials on or behalf of the assigned community partner, unless the organization has liability coverage for student participants.
Release of Liability
The following is a copy of the Release of Liability section found on the Applied and Service Learning Student Application Agreement form. A signed Applied and Service Learning Student Application and Agreement form is required of every applied and service learning student.
Applied and Service Learning Student Application and Agreement Form (opens in new window)