Applied and service learning can be applied to all disciplines and in a variety of ways including as a course requirement or in-lieu of another project, exam, or assignment, etc. However, for you, your students, and the community partners to have a positive, long-lasting and productive experience possible, the importance of integrating applied and service learning should not be underestimated. Incorporating an applied and service learning component in a course takes careful consideration and planning.
If you have an interest in applied learning, please consult the Applied and Service Learning Program. We will provide support and assistance to help you develop a successful applied learning course.
Faculty Checklist
Faculty Steps
Pre-Semester - Brainstorm
- Review the Applied and Service Learning Faculty Guide
- Review the student participation process
- Contact the Applied and Service Learning Program
- Decide how to integrate applied learning (requirement, option, extra credit)
- Select a community partner from the Community Partner Database
- Identify applied learning student projects with the community partner
- Attend a community partner instructor tour (highly recommended)
- Confirm a time for the Applied and Service Learning Coordinator to host an Applied and Service Learning Student Orientation (1st week of the semester)
- Confirm when students are required to submit Applied and Service Learning Program paperwork (i.e. Application and Agreement form, Time Log, Student Evaluation, etc.) with the Applied and Service Learning Program
- Design reflective assignments/exercises
- Include Applied and Service Learning language in your course syllabus
Week 1 - Review course syllabus with students including applied learning assignments
- Students attend the Applied and Service Learning Student Orientation hosted by the Applied and Service Learning Program
Weeks 2 and 3 - Students reach out to the community partner(s) and complete community partner requirements (i.e. background, application, TB test, etc.)
Week 4 - Students the Student Application and Agreement form to the Applied and Service Learning Program
Week 5 - Applied and Service Learning Program provides faculty with student participant list
- Students attend a Community Partner Orientation, then begin their applied learning experience
On-going - Students record their hours on their Student Time Log
- Students complete any course assignments assigned by their instructor
- Faculty/Applied and Service Learning Program check-in with your community partner(s)
Weeks 12 and 13 - Faculty introduce closure to their students
- Students begin creating closure with their community partner
- Applied and Service Learning Program emails evaluation forms to students and community partners
Week 14 - Students end their applied learning experience and submit their Time Log and Student Evaluation to the Applied and Service Learning Program
- Students finalize any paperwork with their community partner
- Community Partner supervisor submits a Supervisor Evaluation to the Applied and Service Learning Program
Weeks 15 and 16 - Applied and Service Learning Program provides faculty with a list of participating students and hours completed