warning Icon SMC Malibu Campus Remains Closed

SMC Malibu Campus remains closed Friday, March 14 – Sunday, March 16, 2025 and will reopen on Monday, March 17.
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Student Support

Creating Closure with Your Community Partner


You will meet and interact with a variety of people at your community partner.  How you complete your applied learning experience is just as important as how you begin.  Therefore, at least 2 to 3 weeks before you are scheduled to end your experience, it is a good idea to remind your supervisor of your last day on site.  As a student enrolled in a course with an applied learning component, it is also a good idea to review any applied and service learning requirements/forms assigned by your instructor and/or the Applied and Service Learning Program at SMC.

Creating Closure with Your Community Partner:  Towards the end of your applied and service learning commitment, it is essential to create a sense of closure to mark the end of your work at your assigned community partner.  The following are guidelines to help you make the most of your last weeks and end your experience on a positive note.   

  • Ask your supervisor what is the best way to let others know that you are leaving and why

  • Remind your supervisor of the Supervisor Evaluation Form

  • Ask for any final feedback about your performance

  • Request that your supervisor review and sign your Time Log

  • Say goodbye – Thank your supervisor and the community partner for contributing to your learning (i.e. a thank you note or a simple verbal acknowledgement of your supervisor’s contributions to your applied learning experience)

  • Leave your work organized and easy for someone else to follow after

  • Stay in touch.  Build the bridge for future networking and employment opportunities

  • If interested, ask about other possible opportunities for you to get involved

  • Examine your own growth in this experience (academically, professionally, personally)