SMC Library provides a hospitable, user-oriented milieu that respects the needs of all users. To facilitate library use by patrons with disabilities, the Library has adjustable tables and public access computer workstations equipped with the following technology:
Low Vision Assistive Technology
ZoomText (opens in new window)
ZoomText combines full-featured magnification software with screen reading. It magnifies from 2x to 16x and provides 8 different zoom windows for full and partial enlargement. ZoomText is available on all computer workstations in the Library. To access the program, double click the ZoomText icon on the computer Desktop. Headphones are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk.
Microsoft Magnifier
Microsoft Magnifier is a Windows magnification utility providing a limited level of functionality for users with slight visual impairments. It is installed on all workstations in the Library. To access the Magnifier, click the Start button; select Programs, Accessories, Accessibility, and then Magnifier.
Video Magnifier (CCTV)
The Library has a video magnifier (CCTV) for magnifying print materials. The PulseData SmartView CCTV provides full-color magnification as well as multiple foregrounds and background combinations. The video magnifier is in a group study room (#266) which can be checked out by users who have registered with the Center for Students with Disabilities.
Screen Reading
Microsoft Narrator
The narrator is a Windows text-to-speech utility. It reads aloud on-screen text, dialog boxes, menus and buttons in Windows, Notepad, and WordPad. It is installed on all workstations in the Library. To start Narrator click the Start button to open the Start menu; select Programs, Accessories, Accessibility and then Narrator. Headphones are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk.
TextHelp Read and Write (opens in new window)
TextHelp Read and Write works within all applications to provide screen reading, a thesaurus, homonym checker, spell checker, talking calculator, word finder and word prediction. It is an extremely useful reading and writing tool particularly for people who learn better when they can hear what they read and write. It is installed on all computers in the Library.
Keyboard Modification
Windows provides an on-screen keyboard as well as options for adjusting the keyboard. To access the on-screen keyboard press the Start button; select Programs, Accessories, Accessibility, and then On-Screen Keyboard. To access the settings for keyboard adjustment options (i.e., StickyKeys, FilterKeys, ToggleKeys), open the Start menu; choose Settings, Control Panel, and then Accessibility Options.
Scan and Read
Kurzweil 3000 (opens in new window) and Kurzweil 1000 (opens in new window)
Both Kurzweil 3000 and Kurzweil 1000 have scanning and text-to-speech capabilities. Kurzweil 3000 was designed primarily for people who are sighted and learn better if they can hear what they read. It has numerous reading and writing tools (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, highlighters) to improve reading and writing productivity and skills. Kurzweil 1000 was designed primarily for people who are visually impaired. Kurzweil 1000 and Kurzweil 3000 are installed on two computers in the Library Computer Commons, LIBCOM110 and LIBCOM114. Please note that users must be trained by the Disabled Students Center High Tech Training Center (310-434-4267) before using these programs.
Further Information
For further information, please consult a reference librarian (310-434-4254) or the Disabled Student Services High Tech Training Center (310-434-4267).