
Latifah Safiei


Latifah SafieiTransfer to University of California, San Diego

General Science at SMC

I transferred from Florida at age 31. I had a difficult time trying to graduate since I was 15. I attended seven other schools before SMC. The main factor for my success was SMC faculty and staff support.

The biggest blessing was working as a receptionist at the SMC Health Services Center. The support from nurses and doctors made a major impact on my life. Helping students gave me the momentum to keep going.

I’m most proud of the phenomenal group of women that I met when I founded WiSTEM (Women in STEM) Club. As WiSTEM SMC’s first president, I learned a lot about myself, leadership, and connecting with my community.

I am now more equipped with leadership skills, as well as knowing how to be more authentic and vulnerable in my learning environment. I made meaningful relationships that I plan to cultivate into solid friendships.

Do your best, stay humble, be kind, feel your feelings, and keep a smile on your face and joy in your heart because, regardless of what’s happening right now, everything will be alright.