
Emily Sabinas


Emily Sabinas

Music Industry Program

I went to SMC because I wanted some time to explore what I really wanted to do. I took my general ed classes, but also tried out music theory, gender studies, yoga, and softball.

I never felt too overwhelmed or too stressed when taking my classes. Since I spent most of my semesters taking online courses, I had a significant amount of time to think about what career really interested me. That’s when I started to focus on my love for music. I then knew I wanted to pursue a career in the music business. With the support of the friends I made at SMC, counselors, and my professors, I completed the required transfer courses and took the chance to apply to the USC Music Industry Program. I’ve had an amazing time at SMC and will miss this school dearly.

SMC provided me with easy access to counselors’ appointments that I took advantage of. I got to meet with different counselors about achieving my goal of obtaining a career in the music business. I was introduced to LinkedIn, the importance of networking, and getting to know alumni, as well as different universities that have a music business major/program.

SMC also helped me financially, and I was able to save up money within my two years, making it possible for me to afford my dream school.