
Christopher McLeod


Christopher McLeod

Robotics Engineering

Having been working in construction with my family for the past 10 years after graduating high school, I’ve always thought about pursuing a degree, but thought I had missed my chance. After hearing successful transfer stories from SMC, I decided to pursue my dream of becoming an engineer. SMC welcomed me and gave me all the resources to help me transfer to a university. Now I’m proud to say that I will be transferring to UC Santa Cruz as a Robotics Engineering major. I could not have done it without all the support that I’ve had from friends and professors at SMC! 

SMC helped me build my confidence through all the support and resources that they had to offer. 

SMC professors were tough, yet prepared me well for each obstacle. Shout-outs to all my professors who helped me push my limits and be the best I could be.

For anyone thinking they can’t do it, you can! Keep studying!