
Chern Xun Gan


Chern Xun Gan

Transfer to Stanford

Major in Political Science

Like so many of us, I came to SMC without a solid goal, nor skills to navigate college. After crashing classes and churning out essays, we leave with useful knowledge, which I will take to Stanford!

SMC offers lots of flexibility and options, which I encourage everyone to explore. Taking challenging classes in different areas and having interesting discussions with professors helped curate my path.

Community college is a great leveler of inequality in higher education and I am proud of our continued fight to make it accessible for all, such as the drive to keep students fed during this crisis.

Many (free!) resources helped me and many others succeed at SMC: counselors, tutors, food security programs, and more. Be sure to be part of a special program, club, or SMC Associated Students. When in doubt, reach out!

To every student working hard to achieve your goals, know that your perseverance will pay off! To everyone at SMC, from faculty to custodians, you can be proud to have played a part in our success.

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