
Victor Chambers


Victor ChambersGetting Involved

In the last three years, Victor helped first-year students adjust to college life, interned at a film festival, and led The Corsair journalism team to victory. No small feat for a full-time student.

But Victor made it happen. Graduating today with an Associate degree in Journalism, the Brazilian native arrived in L.A. 11 years ago in search of better opportunities in art and culture. “It’s the thing that really drives me forward, what I fill my days with,” he explains with a grin.

Victor began classes at SMC in 2021 to pursue a career in media. He joined The Corsair first as a contributor and then, in fall 2023, as editor-in-chief. His work with the team led to 35 prestigious journalism awards. As if he wasn’t busy enough, Victor also interned at New Filmmakers Los Angeles while working as an SMC Peer Navigator and on the newsletter design team at the Adelante Center.

Victor will attend Cal State Northridge, where he plans to major in Journalism and Marketing, with a minor in Entertainment Media Management. Looking back now, he’s amazed by how much he’s done in the past few years. And all because he made the decision to immerse himself in the SMC community.

“Get involved,” he says. “That’s the advice I give to all my mentees. Not only are you going to find your community — you’re also going to find your entire college life, your academic journey, transformed.”