September 21, 2020
Winter & Spring 2021 Update

Sept. 21, 2020
Dear SMC Student:
I hope that you are enjoying your classes this Fall. Santa Monica College’s campuses are just not the same without your presence. We miss you! I am writing with an important update about the Winter 2021 intersession and Spring 2021 semester.
Winter 2021 & Spring 2021 | Classes & Support Services Online
The public health emergency due to COVID-19 persists; it is unlikely that a safe, widely available vaccine will appear soon. Your safety and health is the highest priority. Therefore, Santa Monica College’s classes (including Emeritus & community education), support services, and activities will be offered online for the Winter 2021 intersession & the Spring 2021 semester. The only exception will be lab/practicum instruction tools accessible on-ground in accordance with Los Angeles County Public Health guidelines, in the areas of Nursing, Respiratory Care, and other programs deemed essential by the California Governor’s Office.
If the public health situation improves and future guidelines permit, additional limited hybrid instruction or practical learning tools may be provided on-campus. We will keep you updated.
Santa Monica College is offering over 700 online classes this Winter, and over 2,800 online classes in Spring 2021. We are here for you! Truly.
Please make note of these resources SMC offers to support you:
- The Center for Wellness & Wellbeing: Short-term *free* counseling and confidential therapy is available via phone or video-chat: call 310-434-4503 or email to set up an appointment. Let SMC help you deal with stress, anxiety, or anything else you are struggling with during this time.
- Free Emotional Support Hotline + Free Virtual Healthcare: Call the 24/7 emotional support hotline at 1-800-691-6003. Services are free and completely confidential. For more resources, check out the Center for Wellness & Wellbeing’s webpage.
Students can also access free virtual, confidential healthcare with a nurse or nurse practitioner in Student Health Services! In-person appointments are also available for students wanting immunizations. Email or call 310-434-4262 to schedule a same day appointment. - Free Chromebook Lending Program: SMC continues its free technology-lending program. If you are in need of a Chromebook, please contact your instructor or an SMC counselor.
- Free Student Wi-Fi at Bundy & Free Chromebook Loans: SMC continues to extend the services of a free Wi-Fi area at the SMC Bundy Campus East Parking Lot, available Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. (available all semester, except for official holidays, to enrolled students). In addition, to find free WiFi service close to you in Los Angeles County, check out this online WiFi Locator Tool.
- Weekly Drive-Thru Pop-up Food Pantry: If you need some grocery money, and think you might be eligible for CalFresh, reach out to to meet virtually with a resource specialist. Also, make sure to come by SMC’s weekly drive-through pop-up food pantry held every Wednesday at 12:30pm rain or shine! Go to our food security webpage for more information!
- The Largest Student Support Network in California: SMC has the most extensive one-on-one student support network of any California community college. We are especially grateful in this current moment for the highly skilled 170+ career and academic counselors (including psychologists) who are supporting SMC’s amazing instructors in ensuring that you get the support you deserve, and that you meet your personal goals. Connect with a counselor. And be sure to check out the many events and workshops taking place online this Fall.
Santa Monica College is committed to supporting you in any way possible and ensuring you get to the goals you’ve set for yourself. Stay healthy, stay strong—we are just a phone call or a click away. For more information on SMC’s response to COVID-19, visit In the very near future, I look forward to seeing you back on our beautiful campuses!
Our lives and communities continue to be impacted by a public health concern—COVID-19–ongoing social unrest—Black Lives Matter, racial tension, police violence—and natural disasters—wildfires and hurricanes.
Against this backdrop, you have made a conscious choice to pursue courses at Santa Monica College and work toward using education to grow your potential and make a personal difference in your life. I encourage you to keep that focus in the weeks and months ahead.
Wishing you all the very best,
Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D.
Memo on Winter & Spring ’21 sent to SMC employees below
Sept. 21, 2020
Dear SMC Colleagues:
I am writing with an important announcement regarding the Winter 2021 intersession and Spring 2021 semester.
Santa Monica College’s Emergency Operations Team (EOT)—which has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic—has made its recommendations based on current/projected trends and guidelines available from Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), and the State of California’s four-tiered risk assessment system (opens in new window) .
The public health emergency persists nationally and locally; it is unlikely that a safe, widely available vaccine will appear this academic year. The safety, health & wellbeing of SMC colleagues and students is the highest priority. Therefore, Santa Monica College’s classes (including Emeritus & community education), support services, and activities will be offered online for the Winter 2021 intersession & the Spring 2021 semester. The only exception will be laboratory/practicum instruction tools that will be accessible on-ground in accordance with public health guidelines, in the areas of Nursing, Respiratory Care, and other programs deemed essential by the California Governor’s Office.
Additional college personnel and essential practicum tools/courses may transition to an on-ground environment, if conditions and LA County Public Health guidelines permit. Employees who work at their college workplaces are determined by their departmental safety plans; this process will continue during Winter and Spring 2021.
Additional College Support for Students & Staff
SMC expects to continue the following additional support services for students and staff (updates and additions may follow in the near future):
- The free Chromebook lending program for students & employees
- Wi-Fi access for students at Bundy Campus
- Access to basic needs such as food, connections and access to health services (including mental health counseling).
- Additional professional development tools and sessions for faculty & staff, more community-building interactions
I am deeply grateful to those who came together to consult and determine the best way forward in this uncertain time: individuals representing the SMC Board of Trustees, EOT, and all college constituencies (senior administrators; CSEA, Academic Senate, Faculty Association, and Management Association) as well as personnel/administrators from International Education, Financial Aid, Student Life and other key areas.
Santa Monica College upholds the highest level of dedication to access, equity, and excellence in these challenging times. I remain deeply grateful for your understanding, flexibility, and wholehearted service to the college’s students throughout these uncertain times. Together we have had to navigate challenges never before encountered, and I am confident that we can forge a way ahead through whatever lies in our way.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy.
With deep appreciation for your service and dedication,
Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D.