March 17, 2020

All Student Support Services + Classes Go Remote Until June 16


Dear SMC Student:

This is a very important update to the memo sent by Santa Monica College Superintendent/President Dr. Kathryn E. Jeffery on March 15. Here is the latest info on how SMC is seeking to limit any potential transmission of COVID-19 (the "2019 novel coronavirus"):

  • In addition to all classes moving to a remote environment, all support services are now moving to a remotely accessible environment, and will not be available in person for the rest of the Spring 2020 semester, until June 16, 2020 (this also applies to classes). This includes DSPS, Health Center, Admissions, Financial Aid, and more . . . all the offices we previously said might still provide in-person services. We will miss seeing you in person, but are still here for you! To set up an appointment with a counselor or access SMC support services, check out this remote services contact info page.
  • At this time, there is only one exception: the computer lab in the SMC Library is open only for students who do not have access at home to technologies required to take their classes remotely. If you need to use the Library computer lab, bring a valid SMC student ID (this is preferred) or a valid photo ID.
  • We encourage those who will need to use this computer lab to practice social distancing (opens in new window) —stay at least six feet away from others—and also wash your hands with soap and water. Most importantly, please stay home when you're sick! SMC will ensure that all possible preventive health measures are in place. Take a minute to review ways you can prevent getting—and spreading—COVID-19 a.k.a. "the coronavirus": What to do if you are sick.

Students: we will really miss seeing you! But there is nothing more important than your wellbeing; these steps had to be taken to keep you safe and healthy. Here's a quick recap of every change that will remain in place until the end of the Spring 2020 semester (June 16, 2020):

  • All classes have moved to a remote learning environment;
  • SMC campuses and facilities are closed to everyone, including the general public, except for students who will need to use the library computer lab and essential college personnel;
  • All large gatherings, extra-curricular activities, study abroad trips, nonessential college travel, athletic events, in-person activities and classes at SMC Emeritus have been either cancelled, suspended, or postponed.

All of us at Santa Monica College care deeply about you. Please stay connected with your instructors, counselors, friends, and loved ones. This is an incredibly stressful time, but we will get through this. Tips on how to manage stress and anxiety are coming to your inbox very soon. Please check your SMC email regularly for updates, and go to for more resources (the "Student FAQ" page has tons of information).