September 26, 2022

Suspect in Custody – Re: Crime Alert 9/22/2022

Today at approximately 8:20 a.m. Christopher Noah Griddine II, age 27 was taken into custody on a probable cause arrest warrant for felony sexual assault. The arrest was made on the SMC Campus by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department with the assistance of the Santa Monica College Police. Mr. Griddine was transported to South Los Angeles Sheriff’s Station with a bail of $1,000,000. Booking number 6471502.

This is an active investigation being conducted by the Sheriff’s department questions about the case should be directed to them. Should you have any information that would assist with this investigation, you are encouraged to call Sergeant Belen Lemus of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Special Victims Bureau at 562-946-7012.

We strive to be one of the safest colleges in California and that the alleged actions of this arrested individual are not indicative of the behavior or conduct of those in our community. Santa Monica College is a safe, inclusive and dynamic learning environment that supports academic programs and services intended to serve diverse individuals from local, national and global communities. We recommend that members of the College Community download the LiveSafe safety app and report any suspicious activity to the police.

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