May 12, 2023
SMC Seeks Applicants for Citizens Bond Oversight Committee

SMC Seeks Applicants for Citizens Bond Oversight Committee
Applications Are Due Friday, May 25
SANTA MONICA, CA—Santa Monica College (SMC) is seeking applications for the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee, which oversees the implementation of the bond measures that are funding capital improvement projects at the college: Measure S (2004), Measure AA (2008), Measure V (2016), and Measure SMC (2022).
Applications are available here (opens in new window) and also at (see under the “Oversight Committee Applicants” heading). The application deadline is Friday, May 25, 2023.
To qualify for appointment, an applicant must be at least 18 years old; must not be a college employee or official; and must not be a vendor, contractor or consultant to the college.
The committee was established in spring 2002—as required by state law—to oversee the implementation of Measure U, the $160 million bond passed by an overwhelming 70 percent of Santa Monica-Malibu voters. The committee’s responsibility was expanded to include oversight of Measure S, the $135 million bond measure passed in November 2004; Measure AA, the $295 million bond measure passed in November 2008; Measure V, the $345 million bond measure passed in November 2016, and Measure SMC, the $375 million bond measure passed in November 2022. The bond measures are funding a wide range of projects, including replacement buildings, seismic retrofitting, safety and technology upgrades, and more.
The SMC Board of Trustees will review all applications and make the final appointments. For more information on the application process, please contact Lisa Rose in the Office of the Board of Trustees at
Santa Monica College is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion that enriches its mission of providing open and affordable access to high-quality degrees and certificates. Detailed information on the committee and SMC bond projects are available at
SMC is a California Community College accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
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