November 19, 2021
SMC Once Again Leads in Transfers to University of California, Maintaining a 31-Year Record

College Also Keeps No. 1 Spot for African American & Latinx UC Transfers, Still Tops in Transfers to USC & Loyola Marymount University
SANTA MONICA, CA—Santa Monica College (SMC) has maintained a 31-year consecutive streak as the No.1 transfer college to theUniversity of California (UC) system, according to 2020-2021 transfer data released recently by the UC Information Center. SMC sent 1,186 students to UC campuses in the prior academic year—240 more than the No.2 feeder college.
SMC also maintained the No. 1 spot for African American and Latinx transfers to the UC, and remains the leading transfer college to the University of Southern California (USC) and Loyola Marymount University (LMU). In addition, the college is the top feeder west of the Mississippi to the Ivy League Columbia University.
A few highlights from SMC’s 2020-2021 transfer numbers:
- Out of 1,186 Santa Monica College-to-UC transfers were 228 Latinx students and 58 African American students. UCLA continued to be the most popular destination for SMC students: 449 of them headed to the Westwood campus, followed by UC San Diego which welcomed 158 SMC transfers.
- SMC ranked second in total combined transfers to the UC and California State University (CSU) systems, with 2,319 students combined heading to UC and CSU campuses.
- According to annual data, SMC had more students enrolled at USC and Loyola Marymount University than any other community college, 129 and 111 respectively of those SMC transfers who were admitted to these universities, ended up enrolling.
- SMC also kept up its long-time record of sending more transfer students to Columbia University than any other community college west of the Mississippi (indeed, outside of New York City). Sixteen SMC students were admitted to Columbia University School of General Studies for the Spring 2021 semester, and 25 for Fall 2021.
“News of SMC’s transfer standing is each year highly anticipated throughout the college,” said SMC Superintendent/President Dr. Kathryn E. Jeffery. “And again, we are elated to celebrate the accomplishment of SMC students propelled by their own motivation and potential, and nurtured by a focused ethic of care from Santa Monica College’s world-class faculty, counselors, and staff. Even a pandemic did not deter our student-centered community from fulfilling the college’s mission—ensuring that students transfer to their dream colleges and universities!”
SMC Transfer Center Faculty Lead (Interim) Sara Nieves-Lucas added: “There is no doubt that Santa Monica College has the most hardworking, dedicated and resilient students anywhere because despite the pandemic our students have managed to continue their education and pursue their goal of transfer. It is an honor to work with such a dedicated team—also known as “Team Transfer”—whose goal was to ease the stress caused by the pandemic, creating workshops that kept our students on track.”
This year, SMC used a new platform called Visit Days for the Annual Fall College Fair; 192 colleges/universities participated to meet SMC students. In addition to U.S. colleges and universities, 19 schools from 10 other countries also attended, including UK, Ireland, France, Italy, Australia, Switzerland, Japan, and Canada. Out of the 23 California State University campuses, 19 participated including special programs from various CSU’s. All UC undergraduate campuses, as well as 62 out-of-state colleges/universities participated.
The Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGs) offered at SMC provide guaranteed admission for students who meet specific requirements to several universities including Loyola Marymount University, Arizona State University (ASU), and many Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), among others.
The college’s Scholars Program prepares enrolled and eligible students for rigorous upper-division coursework through smaller classes taught by highly recommended faculty, coupled with intensive counseling and support. Scholars students receive priority consideration for admissions through special transfer agreements with The UCLA College of Letters and Science (Transfer Alliance Program), UC Irvine, and Loyola Marymount University, to name a few.
For more information about SMC’s Transfer Center and its services, please visit the SMC Transfer website or email
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Screenshots from the virtual platform “Visit Days “ used by Santa Monica College for the Fall 2021 Annual College Fair; 192 colleges and universities showed up to meet SMC students, including 19 international institutions. SMC has maintained its record as the leading transfer college to UC campuses for 31 straight years, and also continues to lead in transfers to USC and Loyola Marymount University.