June 20, 2021
Nearly 1,000 Grads Celebrate at First-Ever SMC Diploma Drive-Thru Celebration

SANTA MONICA, CA—Cars trickled into the Santa Monica College (SMC) Bundy Campus throughout the day, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 20. Nearly 1,000 grads, dressed in regalia, many accompanied by family members, participated in SMC’s first-ever Diploma Drive-Thru Celebration for the graduating class of 2021. Joyful horn-honking, cries of “I did it!”, photographs with joyous family members at designated photo booths, a red carpet, special gift bags courtesy of SMC’s Associated Students, and a customized diploma case—these were the highlights of a landmark celebration, involving weeks of planning and 110 SMC volunteers.
The diploma drive-thru event—conducted safely with COVID-19 safety protocols observed—was a first in the college’s history, and took place ahead of the virtual commencement ceremony, which will be at 4 p.m. on Friday, June 25. The ceremony, featuring Calif. State Treasurer Fiona Ma as commencement speaker, will be available for streaming world-wide via smc.edu/graduation.
Some notable facts about the graduating class of 2021:
- 8,131 degrees and certificates will be awarded to 5,135 students
- 27 Bachelor of Science in Interaction Design awarded (fourth graduating class)
- 4,306 Associate degrees awarded, including 1,474 Associate Degrees for Transfer and 27 Bachelor of Science in Interaction Design (SMC’s groundbreaking baccalaureate program)
- The youngest nine graduates are 17 years old and graduate with an Associate degree. The oldest graduate is 94 and graduates with an Certificate of Achievement in Animation Foundation.
- The graduating class is 62.5% female; 36.3% male; 1.2% unreported.
For more information about this year’s commencement ceremony, visit smc.edu/graduation.
Diploma Drive-Thru Celebration

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