March 26, 2021

The Corsair Wins 14 JACC Statewide Awards

2nd Place photo by Marco Pallotti
This photo won Corsair staffer Marco Pallotti a second place JACC award in the feature photo category.

SANTA MONICA, CA—The Corsair (opens in new window) , Santa Monica College’s student-run news outlet, has won 14 awards from the Journalism Association of Community Colleges (JACC) during its Spring 2021 JACC State Publication Contest. The virtual awards ceremony was held Saturday, March 30; The Corsair’s wins included three first-place awards.

The full listing of awards are below:

  • First Place, Informational Graphic: Sonia Hiew
  • First Place, Student Designed Ad: Glenn Zucman
  • First Place, Online Photo Story/Essay (“The Year in Photos (opens in new window) ”): The Corsair Staff
  • Second Place, Feature Photo: Marco Pallotti
  • Second Place, Illustration: Sonia Hiew
  • Second Place, Online Photo Story/Essay: The Corsair Staff
  • Third Place, Photo Story-Essay: The Corsair Staff
  • Third Place, Sports Action Photo: Glenn Zucman
  • Third Place, Photo Illustration: Johaira Dilauro
  • Fourth Place, Sports Action Photo: Alex Ramirez Canales
  • Fourth Place, Front Page Layout: Sonia Hiew
  • Honorable Mention, Illustration: Octavia Anderson
  • Honorable Mention, News Story: Jackie Sedley
  • General Excellence, Print Edition: The Corsair staff

“The shift to a completely online environment for The Corsair staff was challenging, but time and time again these student journalists have decided to use this new environment as an opportunity to exceed expectations, rather than a barrier to their success as a news media outlet,” said SMC Journalism Professor Ashanti Blaize-Hopkins, Corsair faculty adviser. Each day they find new and creative ways to create content and tell the stories SMC students, faculty, staff and the surrounding community need to hear, especially now. These awards prove just how much our journalism students can accomplish, even in the face of adversity.”

Gerard Burkhart, photojournalism professor and Corsair photo adviser added: "It is a continuing honor to be a part of a staff that is this dedicated and talented. They never cease to amaze, delight and inform on the full spectrum of news coverage in a truly professional manner."

Founded in 1955, JACC is a nonprofit which bridges the gap between students, educators and publications by providing networking and educational events aimed at inspiring members at each stage of their journalism career; JACC also holds contests that are a benchmark for community college journalism excellence, offers scholarships and professional development for educators, among other things. Visit (opens in new window)  to learn more.

The Corsair staff produces a bi-weekly newspaper in the spring and fall semesters and also maintains an online news site: (opens in new window) . SMC Journalism Professor Ashanti Blaize-Hopkins advises the Corsair; Photojournalism Professor Gerard Burkhart serves as the photo adviser. For more information on The Corsair, email

Santa Monica College is a California Community College accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Yasamin Jafari-Tehrani
This photo taken during a Black Lives Matter protest by Yasamin Jafari-Tehrani was one of several that comprised an online photo story essay “The Year in Photos” which won a first place JACC award for The Corsair staff.

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