September 11, 2019
Distinguished Scientists Talks Sept. 24 & More
SMC's Distinguished Scientists Lectures Continue September 24
Fall 2019 Series Features Cancer Cell-Targeted Photosensitizers, Emergency Medicine, and a Talk with Astronaut John “Danny” Olivas
SANTA MONICA, CA — Santa Monica College opens its Fall 2019 Distinguished Scientists Lecture Series on September 24 with a special talk by Dr. Maria da Graça Henriques Vicente on developments in cancer research on new ways to improve imaging. Now in its 17th year, the ongoing series will include a screening of the emergency medicine documentary Code Black in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, with a Q&A led by Eve Adler, associate dean of the SMC Health Sciences Department, featuring a panel of healthcare providers and SMC alumni who currently work in acute care settings. The series also features a talk by Astronaut John “Danny” Olivas on the wonders of space travel and the importance of exploring one’s passions.
All events in the series — designed for general audiences — are free and held on the main Santa Monica College campus (1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica). Seating is on a first-arrival basis.
Unless otherwise noted, the lectures are sponsored by the SMC Associates and the SMC Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences departments.
The fall 2019 lectures are:
Tuesday, September 24: Dr. Maria da Graça Henriques Vicente: “Cancer Cell-Targeted Photosensitizers for Imaging and Therapy” at 11:15 a.m. in Science Lecture Hall 140. Dr. Maria da Graça Henriques Vicente will talk about her research team’s work on the synthesis of new organic materials and their development as biological sensitizers to optimize their effectiveness in cancer treatment. She is the Charles H. Barré Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Program Director for the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Program at Louisiana State University, where she was honored with a 2016 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM).
Thursday, October 10: Code Black: Documentary Film Screening and Q&A Led by Eve Adler at 11:15 a.m. in Stromberg Hall (HSS 165). Presented in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Code Black is a thought-provoking documentary that provides unprecedented access to America’s busiest emergency department. The film, directed by physician Ryan McGarry and winner of the Los Angeles Film Festival’s Best Documentary award, follows a team of doctors in “C-Booth,” the legendary Los Angeles County Hospital trauma bay that is the birthplace of emergency medicine. After the screening, a Q&A led by Eve Adler, associate dean of the SMC Health Sciences Department and director of the Santa Monica College Nursing Program, features a panel of healthcare providers and SMC alumni who currently work in acute care settings. Additional sponsors for this event: SMC Adelante Program, SMC Nursing Program, and SMC English Department.
Thursday, October 17: Astronaut John “Danny” Olivas: “Finding and Pursuing Your Passions – A Talk with Former NASA Astronaut Dr. Danny Olivas” at 11:15 a.m. in Science Lecture Hall 140. Former NASA astronaut John “Danny” Olivas (STS 117 and STS 128), who helped devise a way to fix the space shuttle for the first time in orbit, will talk about the wonders of space travel, and the importance of exploring one’s passions. Dr. Olivas is special assistant to the dean of engineering at the University of Texas at El Paso, a forensic engineer, and author of Endeavour’s Long Journey, which encourages young students to become scientists, engineers, and explorers.
For more information, please call 310-434-4100.