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Roadmap to SMC 

Create Account

  • Create an account to access the online admission portal. (Click "Create New Account")
  • Login to complete your application and check the progress of your admission process

Complete Online Application

  • Fill out your Admission Application online. This will help us determine your eligibility and the documents you will need to obtain your F1 visa.
    • Requirements
      1. Must be 18 years old at the time of enrollment
      2. English Proficiency Requirement: There is no English Proficiency Requirement if you are applying to the Intensive English Program (IEP). For options to show applicant has met English Proficiency requirement for admission to the academic program (See details)
  • Login and edit your application anytime until you submit your application.
  • You will need the following information to fill out your application:
    • Address and Contact Information
    • Program for which you are applying. Check out our offerings of degree and transfer programs
    • Information on schools you attended
    • Visa information (if you have one)

Pay Application Fees

  • Nonrefundable application fee is required to process your application. Make a check or Money order payable to Santa Monica College.
    (See fee details and payment instruction)

Submit Documents

  • Login to your admission portal and see the list of initial required documents. Additional documents may be required after the review of your application.
  • You will be working with our application evaluator to assist in making sure that you have the proper documents.

Sign up for Information Seminar

  • Once you are an SMC student, upon arrival to the U.S. you must attend the information seminar. You are required to sign up for the seminar as part of your admission process.
  • Refund Policy
    If you are unable to attend Santa Monica College at this time and will not attend the seminar for which you enrolled, you may request a refund of $75.00. $12.00 will be retained as a processing fee. You must request your refund through the Message Center here in the online application. Your request must be made and all banking information provided before the first day of the winter, spring, summer or fall term for which you were admitted.
You are a SMC Student !