Wenise Wong

Wenise Wong

Associate Professor
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Winter 2025 - Chem 9 Hybrid - Section 1092 - Everyday Chemistry

Everyday Chemistry is a laboratory-requirement course designed for non-majors. Everyone who enrolls in this course can succeed!

In this course, you will learn chemistry, particularly as it relates to every day occurrences, both large-scale and small. You will also learn about sustainability, also as it relates to those same everyday occurrences, also large and small.

Sustainability is the defining challenge of our times, and many of our current practices are not sustainable. So much can be understood through chemistry, and by understanding chemistry, we may be able to achieve sustainable practices.

Spring 2025 - Chem 9 Scholars - Everyday Chemistry - Section 1404

Everyday Chemistry is a laboratory-requirement course designed for non-majors. Everyone who enrolls in this course can succeed!

In this course, you will learn chemistry, particularly as it relates to every day occurrences, both large-scale and small. You will also learn about sustainability, also as it relates to those same everyday occurrences, also large and small.

Sustainability is the defining challenge of our times, and many of our current practices are not sustainable. So much can be understood through chemistry, and by understanding chemistry, we may be able to achieve sustainable practices.

This course is part of the SMC Scholars Program. There is a focus on academic preparation and study for university-level work through writing, critical thinking, and analysis throughout the semester. An enriched learning experience includes a project-based e-waste assignment, visiting an LADWP water facility, and guest speakers on recycling, factory farming, and the SMC Sustainability Center.

Course Materials

Education and Background

Santa Clara University
Santa Clara University, B.S. combined sciences

UCLA, Ph. D. biochemistry
SRI International
SRI International, analytical research chemist

Courses Taught at SMC

Physical Sciences Department