Luke Johnson

Luke Johnson


Luke Johnson is an Internal Communications and Employee Engagement strategist whose portfolio includes work for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Nokia, and Riot Games. His creative approach to design, strategy, and research maximizes employee engagement, providing customized platforms for companies to tell their stories both internally and externally.


  • Design 33: UX2
  • Design 41: Inudstry Project
  • IxD 370: Design for Community Change

Past Courses

  • Design 23: UX1
  • Design 43: Portfolio
  • IxD 410: Project Management
  • IxD 470: Senior Studio

Office Hours

Looking forward to meeting with you. Office hours can be booked through Calendly (opens in new window)

If those times don't work, please send me an email and we'll try to find a time that works for both of us:

Social Media