Originally from Switzerland, Delphine Broccard holds a B.A. from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, majoring in communication studies with Spanish and religion minors. In 2012, she earned an M.A. in intercultural communication from Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. Her thesis focused on the successful ways in which students immerse themselves in their study abroad setting. In 2023, Delphine completed her PhD in technical communication & rhetoric from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX. Her dissertation, titled, "Female Representation Matters: The Identification of Young Women with the Embodied Ecological Ethē of Public Female Role Models," took a closer look at the advantages public female role models offer young women. Currently, a tenured professor at SMC, Delphine previously served as a visiting faculty at Pepperdine University in the communication department. At SMC, her favorite classes to teach are communication theory and gender & communication. Outside of the classroom, Delphine is an active part of the Global Citizenship Committee. Previously, she has co-lead study abroad programs to South Africa and Costa Rica.

Delphine Broccard
OfficeDrescher Hall, DH 150