
Recommended Eco Reading List


Environmental Resources Library

Located at the Sustainability Center, the Environmental Resource Library offers titles covering a wide array of topics in sustainability. Whether you are looking for material to supplement your degree program or would like more information about green career paths, the ERL is the place to look! Here you will find a current inventory of titles available for checkout to current Santa Monica College Students. Please be sure to have your student ID available in order to checkout books from the Sustainability Center.

Book Title Author(s)
136 Best Ways to Save On Your Home Energy Sunset Bk. Editors
15 Simple Things Californians Can Do To Recycle The Earth Works Groups
2010 Pure Seed Book Baker Greek Heirloom Seeds
30 Ways to Shine As A New Employee Denise Bissonnette
365 Days to Live Green Diane McDilda
50 Simple Things Your Business Can Do To Save The Earth The Earth Works Groups
50 Ways To Save the Ocean David Helvarg
A Fierce Green Life Shabecoff, Phillip
A Sand County Almanac Aldo Leopold
Almanac of the Environment Valerie Harms
American Earth Bill Mc Kibben
American Wasteland Bloom, Jonathan
America's National Parks Paul Schullery
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle Barbara Kingsolver
Backyard Composting Harmonious Technologies
Beyond Ecophobia David Sobel
Beyond Recycling Kathy Stein
Big Coal Jeff Goodell
Biomicry Janine M. Benyos
Blue Frontier David Helvarg
Blue Gold Maude Barlow
Blueprint for a Green School Jayni Chase
Careers in Renewable Energy Gregory McNamee
Careers in The Environment Mike Fasulo and Paul Walker
Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems Peter Newman
City of Quartz Mike Davis
Confessions of a Radical Industrialist Ray C. Anderson
Cooking with Sunshine Lorraine Anderson
Cosmetic Ingredients Ruth Winter
Cradle to Cradle William McDonough
Crimes Agains Nature Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Cultural Geography Richard H. Jackson
Deep Ecology Bill Devall
Deep Economy McKibben, Bill
Deforesting the Earth Michael Williams
Degrees that Matter - Climate Change and the University Ann Rappaport
Earth Community Earth Ethics Larry Rsmussen
Earth Democracy Vandana Shiva
Earth First Martha Lee
Earth In the Balance Al Gore
Ecological Literacy - Educating our children Michael Stone
Ecological Literacy - Education & The Transition to a Post Modern World David Orr
Ecology of Fear Mike Davis
Ecomind Lappe, Francis Moore
Edens Lost and Found Joseph D'Agnese
Education for the Earth Petersons Guides
Emissions Trading TH Tietenbert
Environmental Audit of SMC 2005-2006 Santa Monica College
Environmental Careers in the 21st Century The Environmental Org.
Environmental Ethics Joseph DesJardins
Environmental Politics Switzer
Environmental Science: Sustaining the Earth Miller, Tyler
Environmental Science: Working with the Earth Miller, Tyler
Everything Green Living Book Diane McDilda
Exposed Mark Schapiro
Finding the Sweet Spot Dave Pollard
Food Not Lawns HC Flores
Forces of Nature: The Unlikely Story of Walmart’s Green Revolution Humes, Edward
Fostering Sustainable Behavior Doug McKenzie-Mohr
Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Steven D. Levitt
Gaias Garden: A Guide to Home-scale Permaculture Hemenway, Toby
Garbage Land Elizabeth Royte
Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash Humes, Edward
Generation Green Simon Pulse
Getting into Smart Growth II Smart Growth Net
Global Renaissance Steven Hackin
Global Warming Survival Handbook Rothschild, David
Global Warning Paul Brown
Gone Tomorrow Heather Rogers
Good Work E.F Schumacher
Good, Green Jobs Joel Makower
Great Jobs For Environmental Studies Majors Julie Degalan & Bryon Middlekauff
Green Festival Reader Poli Point Press
Green From the Ground Up David & Scott Gibson
Green Is the New Black Tamsin Blanchard
Green Jobs: A Guide Eco-Friendly Employment A. Bronqyn Llewellyn
Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities Timothy Beatley
Greening Philosophy Amber L. Katherine
Greening the Ivory Tower Sarah Creighton
Greenopia: The Urban Dweller's Guide to Green Living Vol. and 2 Greenopia
GreenSource McGraw Hill Construction
Grow Organic DK Books
Guns, Germs and Steal Jared Diamond
Hands-On Nature Vermont Institute of Natural Science
High Tech Trash Elizabeth Grossman
Higher Education and the Change of Sustainability Peter Blaze Corcoran
Hope, Human and Wild Bill McKibben
Hot, Flat and Crowded Thomas L. Friedman
How Green Is Your City? Karlenzing, Marquardt
It's All For Sale James Ridgeway
Junkyard Planet Minter, Adam
Let My People Go Surfing Yvon Chouinard
Living Green: A Practical Guide To Simple Sustainability Greg Horn
Living Like Ed: A Guide to the Eco-Friendly Life Ed Begley, Jr.
Living on the Earth Alicia Bay Laurel
Losing Ground Mark Dowie
Major Problems in American Environmental History Carolyn Merchant
Making A Difference College & Graduate Guide Miriam Weinstein
Making Sustainability Work Marc J. Epstein
Management Recycling and Reuse of Waste Composites Vannessa Goodship
Meditations of John Muir Chris Highland
Mid-Course Correction Ray C. Anderson
Natural Capitalism Paul Hawken
Nature In a Nutshell for Kids Jean Potto
Not Just a Pretty Face Stacy Malken
Ocean Friendly Gardens Douglas Kent
One Makes The Difference Julia Butterfly Hill
Our Ecological Footprint Mathis Wackernagel
Paper or Plastic Daniel Imhoff
People, Penguins, and Plastic Trees Donald VanDeVeer
Physical Geography E. Willard Miller
Plan B 3.0 Lester R. Brown
Planet Earth Alastair Fothergill
Planet of Slums Mike Davis
Planet U Michael M'Gonigle & Justine Starke
Plastic: A Toxic Love Story Freinbel, Susan
Plows, Plagues, & Petroleum William F. Ruddiman
Plug-In Hybrids Sherry Boschert
Plundering Appalachia Douglas r. Tompkins
Profiting From Clean Energy Richard W. Asplund
Radical simplicity Jim Merkel
Reason for Hope Phillip Berman
Rebuild The Dream Van Jones
Santa Monica Review Santa Monica College
Save the Earth Jonathan Porrit
Sharing Nature's Interest Nicky Chambers
Silent Spring (40th Anniversary Edition) Rachel Carson
Silent Spring (The Classic Edition) Rachel Carson
Six Degrees Mark Lynas
Small is Beautiful Schumachder, E.F.
Solar Ian McNewman
State Of The World The Worldwatch Institute
Stolen Harvest Vandana Shiva
Successful Beginnings for College Teaching Angela Provitera McGlynn
Successful Beginnings for College Teaching McGlynn, Provitera
Superbia! Dan Chiras
Sustainability on Campus Peggy F. Barlett
Sustainable Energy on Campus Bartlett, Reggy
Sustainable Energy without the Hot Air Mackay, David
Sustainable Urbanism Douglas Farr
Sustainable Value Chris Laszlo
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Environmental Issues Easton, Thomas
Teaming with Microbes Lowenfels, Jeff
The Assault On Reason Al Gore
The Better World Handbook Ellis Jones
The Business Guide To Sustainability Darcy Hitchcock
The Carbon-Free Home Stephen & Rebekah Hren
The China Study Colin Campbell
The Clean Tech Revolution Ron Pernick
The Company We Keep John Abrams
The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices Michael Brower
The Deluge and the Ark Dale Peterson
The Eco Guide to Careers that Make a Difference The Environmental Org.
The Ecology of Commerce Paul Hawken
The Ecology of Invations by Animals and Plants Charles Elton
The Economics of Waste Richard Porter
The Economy of Nature William Ashworth
The Elements of Moral Philosophy James Rachels
The Empty Ocean Ricahard Ellis
The Environmental Ethics and Policy Book Donald VanDeVeer
The Great Disruption Gilding, Paul
The Green Book E. Rogers & T.M Kostigen
The Green Collar Economy Van Jones
The Green Encyclopedia Irene Franck & David Brownstone
The Green Revolution Kirkpatrick Sale
The Hockey Stick and Climate Wars Mann, Michael
The Key To Sustainable Cities Gwendolyn Hallsmith
The Kids Nature Book A. Milford
The Lazy Environmentalist Josh Dorfman
The Little Earth Book James Bruges
The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook David De Rothschild
The Making of a Continent Ron Redfern
The Man Who Planted Trees Green, Chelsea
The Monkey Wrench Gang Edward Abbey
The Natural Shade Garden Ken Druse
The Natural Step For Business Brian Nattrass
The Natural Step For Business Brian Nattrass
The Natural Step story Karl-Henrik Robert
The Nature Principle Louv, Richard
The New School: College of Environmental Design at Cal Poly Pomona Craig Hammond
The Smart Office A.K. Townsend
The Story of Stuff Annie Leonard
The Sustainability Handbook William R. Blackburn
The Sustainability Revolution Andres R. Edwards
The Tipping Point Macolm Gladwell
The Transition Handbook Rob Hopkins
The Travels of a T-shirt In The Global Economy Pietra Rivoli
The Triple Bottom Line Andrew W. Savitz
The Urban/Suburban Composter Mark Cullen, Lorraine Johnson
The War Against The Greens David Helvarg
The Web of Life John H. Storer
Toward Sustainable Communities Jeb Brugmann
Toward Sustainable Settlements Department of Housing
True Green @ Work Kim McKay, Jenny Bonnin
Urban Sprawl and Public Health Howard Frumkin, Lawrence Frank
Vanishing Borders Hilary French
Visualizing Environmental Science Linda R. Berg
Voluntary Carbon Markets Ricardo Bayon
Wake Up and Smell the Planet Branglen Davis, Kathrine Wroth
Walden Henry David Thoreau Walden Henry
Waste and Want Susan Strasser
Water and the Shaping of California Sue McClurg
Water Wars Vandana Shiva
Water: The Fate Of Our Most Precious Resource Marq De Villiers
Western Garden Book Sunset
What's In This Stuff? Patricia Thomas
What's Mine Is Yours Rachel Botsman, Roo Rogers
When The Rivers Run By Beacon Piere
Whole Food Recipes Vitamix
Wild Earth Tom Butler
World Changing: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century Al Gore
Zero Waste Home Johnson, Bea
Greening the Curriculum