
Coastal Cleanup


Coastal Cleanup Day

September is Coastal Cleanup Month

When the rains return to L.A. they will flush trash on the streets and sidewalks into storm drains which flow directly to the Santa Monica Bay.

If we can prevent all that debris from making its way to the ocean we will preserve marine life, birds, and the beautiful beaches we love to visit.

Be part of something really big. Coastal Cleanup Month is the world’s largest volunteer event to protect and preserve our environment.

Be a Part of the Coastal Cleanup

Pick any day in September to clean up your neighborhood by yourself or with a family member/ roommate. Register (opens in new window)  and get out there to make a difference. 

What you need: 

  • A paper or plastic bag
  • A mask
  • Disposable gloves
  • A hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Extension picker (if you have one)
  • A photo of at least one full bag per person that wants extra credit. 

How to Stay Safe

Because of COVID-19, you want to take extra precautions: 

  • Watch this short video(YouTube Link) (opens in new window)
  • Wear your mask, use disposable gloves, and wash your hands thoroughly before you stop to drink water and when you are done. 
  • Remain 6 feet away from others at all times. 
  • Stay home if you don't feel well.
  • Don't touch anything that looks dangerous.
  • Leave natural items like sticks, leaves, rocks and soil where you found them.

Earn Extra Credit

If your professor is offering extra credit to participate, do the following: Take a photo of at least one full bag of debris you picked up and share it with your professor. Let them know what the most surprising thing you found was. What did you learn from the experience?

Share your picture on Instagram using the hashtag #SMCCoastalCleanup.

Bonus Events

Throughout the month of September take part in Expert Panels, Educational Knowledge Drops, Special Curriculum, and Live Instagram chats featuring organizations working to make LA better for local communities and wildlife alike.