Libra: as we witness the careless slip of the scale, Kate Johnson

DNA: 4th of 4

A digital art retrospective

June 22 - July 21, 2024

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 22, 2 - 4 p.m.
Panel Disussion - Reconsidering Early Telepresence: Sunday, June 23, 2 p.m.

2024 marks the 45th anniversary of the seminal media arts group EZTV and its 40th anniversary of collaborating with the world’s leading professional association focused on computer graphics and interactivity: SIGGRAPH. SIGGRAPH’s local chapter LA ACM SIGGRAPH and EZTV have been hosting numerous art exhibitions, panel discussions, live performances and online experiences since 1984. Four years ago together they began a massive research project, interviewing many of the seminal artistic creators.


  • Jon 9
  • Victor Acevedo
  • Rebecca Allen
  • Maija Beeton
  • Paul Brown
  • Clayton Campbell & Christian Knudsen
  • Mark Chavez
  • Coco Conn
  • Kate Crash
  • Dave Curlender & David Goodsell
  • Matt Elson
  • David Em
  • Federico Galavis
  • Kate Johnson
  • Sheriann Ki-Sun Burnham
  • Robert Lowden
  • Kevin Mack
  • Michael J. Masucci
  • Diane Piepol
  • Patric Prince
  • Karl Sims
  • Barbara T. Smith
  • Vibeke Sorensen
  • Michael Wright

Joan Collins, Michael J. Masucci, and Victor Acevedo; curators.

Called 4th of 4 as it is the last in a four year research and exhibition collaboration between LA ACM SIGGRAPH and EZTV Online museum, bringing together influential artists and thinkers from through their 40 years of collaborative efforts.

In addition to numerous museum-exhibited artists, whose works have been presented at institutions such as the Pompidou, the Whitney, the Getty, etc. artists that have also cross-over between the fine art and more mainstream recognition are included. From Oscar winner Kevin Mack, Emmy winners Rebecca Allen (the first person to win an Emmy for a digital image) Maija Beeton and Kate Johnson, MacArthur “Genius Award” winner Karl Sims, onto David Em, JPL’s first artist-in-residence (as well as the first computer artist to have an Abrams coffee table book published, as well as the first computer artist to be commissioned to design a record cover), this diverse  roster of multigenerational artists, this diverse group demonstrates the many genres and approaches sued since the early 1980s, when the more widespread adoption of computers in arts-based practices was becoming more common.

DNA: 4th of 4 is the opening exhibition for the inauguration of DNA Festival Santa Monica, a new annual six-month series of exhibitions, screenings, performances and panel discussions, focused on the diverse and important influence of digital art on world culture. DNA is a collaboration between Santa Monica College, Bergamot Station Arts Center, 18th Street Arts Center, the City of Santa Monica’s Cultural affairs Division, the Santa Monica Arts Commission as well as LA ACM SIGGRAPH and the EZTV Online Museum

For images and artists bios, please see the extensive web presence on LA ACM SIGGRAPH’s site

Inaugural exhibition of the DNA Festival Santa Monica.