- Must be a California high school student currently enrolled in 9th-12th grade.
- Complete all admissions requirements.
- Classes are FREE for California high school students.
- Students will pay a $20 health fee (mandatory), a $10 Associated Students Resources fee (optional), a $22.50 Student Benefits fee (optional, but this gives access to ride the Big Blue Bus Any line Any time), and a $2 Student Representation fee (optional), for a Total of $52.50.
- Hundreds of courses offered in 58 disciplines--on-ground and online. SMC is a leader among California Community Colleges for the sheer number and breadth of online courses.
- Summer Schedule of Classes will be published March 25.
- Experience what it is like to be a college student at California's #1 in transfers to the University of California campuses --30 years in a row! SMC is also tops in transfers to USC and LMU, and the top feeder west of the Mississippi to the Ivy League Columbia University.
- Santa Monica College’s academic excellence is driven by professors with distinguished credentials, representing the best in their fields: award-winning artists, scholars, authors, scientists…you name it. They teach at SMC because they believe in the power of the student-teacher connection.
Training for Top Careers. SMC’s 180+ career education degrees and certificates are the launchpad for your future. Through strong industry partnerships, exceptional faculty with professional expertise, and dynamic programs, we train our students to excel in their dream careers. From traditional fields like Business, Early Childhood Education, and Health Sciences to 21st-century fields like Computer Science and Information Systems, Technical Theatre, Sustainable Technologies, a Bachelor Degree in Interaction Design, and so much more!
SMC’s 180+ career education degrees and certificates are the launchpad for your future. Through strong industry partnerships, exceptional faculty with professional expertise, and dynamic programs, we train our students to excel in their dream careers. From traditional fields like Business, Early Childhood Education, and Health Sciences to 21st-century fields like Computer Science and Information Systems, Technical Theatre, Sustainable Technologies, a Bachelor Degree in Interaction Design, and so much more!