Student Information Technology Help

Questions and Answers about Activation

and how to get help

How do I log in to SMC SIGN-ON?

Log in to SMC SIGN-ON (opens a new window) (opens in new window)

What is my SMC Username?

Look up my SMC Username (opens in new window) (opens a new window or browser tab)

When did SMC SIGN-ON become required?

Monday, February 1, 2021: New and current students are now required to "activate" their SMC online services. It takes most people about five minutes.

Monday, July 8, 2024: Multi-factor authentication became mandatory to help safeguard accounts.


What if I forgot my current password or student ID number?

Click a "+" sign to see more. Click "Expand" to see everything. Click "Collapse" to show less.

I never got the email I need

Password questions

One-Time Passcode


Challenge questions


Multi-Factor Delivery Methods

Registering a personal email address


Registering a mobile phone number


What does Corsair mean?

Click a "+" sign to see detailed questions or sample screens. Click "Expand" to see everything. Click "Collapse" to show less.

Go back to the instructions for activation

What do I do if I get stuck or have more questions?

Contact Student IT Help (opens in new window)

The studentITHELP service can help you. Don't wait. Contact us whenever you have a question. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. You'll reach somebody on the computer lab staff.