Professional Development

Professional Development Day, Spring 2023

Everything you need to know about Professional Development Day

Theme Back to Basics: Rebuilding Community

Thursday, March 16, 2023

8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.  

From 8 - 8:30 a.m. coffee, tea and pastries will be served.

The Spring Professional Development Day will continue the discussion on Basic Needs. The theme is Back to Basics: Rebuilding Community.

Join us on campus for this day of healing, as a response to everything we have all gone through in the past three years.  We hope to rebuild our community and build our sense of belonging moving forward.

The morning session will be on campus but recorded for later viewing (no live Zoom).  The afternoon workshops will be a combination of on campus and zoom.

Keynote Speaker - Ruben Canedo will be back!


As part of our theme on rebuilding community, Ruben will be focusing his workshops on transformative justice and healing.  The title of his keynote is "Community Centering Practice: shaping healing, disability, and transformative justice into our individual and community experiences".

Ruben's Story

Ruben E. Canedo (he/they) was born in Indio, California, USA and raised in the border valleys of Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico, Imperial Valley, California, USA, and Coachella Valley, California, USA.

He was raised in a mixed-status household with a mother who was a first-generation college graduate from U.N.A.M. in Mexico City and a father who was the Captain and later Coach of the Mexican Karate Federation National Team.

Ruben was awarded the Regents & Chancellors Full Scholarship to UC Berkeley. He was selected into the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, published his work, and represented the university in its national team. After graduating (2012), he was recruited and led national efforts with the Emerson Collective's - Immigration and Higher Education Team.

After a year (2013), Ruben was recruited and returned to UC Berkeley where he has been part of institutional and systems change efforts. These include: expanding the eligibility policy for EOP&S students, co-founding the Undocumented Student Program, and co-leading a state and national movement to improve college student basic needs.

Outside of higher education, starting in 2007, Ruben has served as an advanced facilitator, trainer, and public speaker.

He is consistently sought after for small to large audiences and private to public settings. Collaborators include local organizations to large-scale foundations such as the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Ruben is trained in healing, disability, and transformative justice and is a daily practitioner of emergent strategies centered in love and wisdom.

Opening Addresses and Schedule

Session Time Title and Description LINK/ location

8:30 - 11:15 a.m.

Welcome and Opening Addresses

View Recording (opens in new window)

Breakout Sessions

Check out our breakout sessions

General Questions and Guidelines

Classified Professional FAQ

Faculty FAQ

If you have any questions about Professional Development Day, contact