Breakout Sessions
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Teaching the Student and Teaching the Material: Course Planning for Student Success
Faculty have a critical role at promoting equity in the classroom by preparing an engaging learning experience for students with different backgrounds and different levels of understanding. This requires developing foundational skills of course planning (i.e. backward design & scaffolding). In this introductory session, participants will be exposed to an approach that demonstrates how to develop an inclusive course planning process. Building on an asset-based framework, faculty will learn practices to develop students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes for academic success. Tags:Faculty, Equity; Created by Equity, Pathways, and Inclusion (EPI) |
HSS 104 No Zoom link. This session will not be recorded, but these presenters will be giving a related workshop on Zoom for the April 7th First Friday event. (opens in new window) |
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CSEA Overview of Contract Negotiation Presenters: Cindy Ordaz and Cyrus Fernandez Find out the most recent updates from the CSEA contract negotiations! By attending this session you, will receive the most up-to-date information regarding the CSEA's contract negotiations. Tags:Classified, Managers, SMC updates; Created by CSEA & CPDC |
In the cafeteria immediately after lunch. No Zoom link. This session will not be recorded. |
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Ruben Canedo On Campus Workshop: Continued Discussion on the Keynote Address Tags: All employee groups, Equity, Basic Needs: PD Theme 2022-23. |
Orientation Hall No Zoom link. This session will not be recorded. Instead this workshop will be repeated for our remote audience from 2:10 - 3:10 p.m. |
Well-being in the Workplace and Finding a Sustainable Work-Life Balance for Classified Professionals Presenters: Joe Robinson of Work To Live These are challenging times, but we can rise to them when we manage demands, set boundaries on an unbounded world, cut distractions, interruptions, and messaging and increase attention and quality of life. Using tools from the science, the training shows how to navigate pressure, change, and overwhelm and refuel the chief productivity tool: attention. We also learn how to open up space for the life we are working for and build in the work recovery strategies that recharge energy and optimism in our outlook. Each of us is the entrepreneur of our life. Tags: Classified, Wellness; Created by CPDC & PDC. |
No recording produced |
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Becoming A Student Ready Educator: The Key Role of Professionals in Student Services
& Support Cultivating an environment and community where students of all backgrounds can thrive is a college-wide effort that requires the expertise and knowledge of ALL campus stakeholders including support and services provided outside of the direct classroom experience. In this session, participants will learn frameworks and engage in discussions that examine the influence and agency classified staff have in removing barriers to equity. Tags: Classified, Equity; Created by Equity, Pathways, and Inclusion (EPI) |
No Recording Produced |
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Ruben Canedo Online Workshop: Continued Discussion on the Keynote Address Tags: All employee groups, Equity, Basic Needs: PD Theme 2022-23; Created by CPDC/PDC/EPI/EpiCenter. |
Register for Ruben Canedo's Online Workshop (opens in new window) Note: This will be a participatory session. You will not be required to have your camera on, but it will be necessary to be fully present to work with each other. You do not need to have attended the keynote address to benefit from this workshop. |
Well-being in the workplace and finding a sustainable work-life balance for Managers Presenters: Joe Robinson of Work to Live. This session will focus on managers and supervisors. These are challenging times, but we can rise to them when we manage demands, set boundaries on an unbounded world, cut distractions, interruptions, and messaging and increase attention and quality of life. Using tools from the science, the training shows how to navigate pressure, change, and overwhelm and refuel the chief productivity tool: attention. We also learn how to open up space for the life we are working for and build in the work recovery strategies that recharge energy and optimism in our outlook. Each of us is the entrepreneur of our life. Tags: Managers, Wellness; Created by CPDC & PDC. |
HSS 165 No Zoom link. This session will not be recorded. |
Student Distress, Faculty Response, What to Do? Presenters: Alison Brown, Ph.D, Center for Wellness and Wellbeing Coordinator, Shelley Pearce, MS, LMFT, Center for Students with Disabilities Therapist, Leticia Montoya, MA, Center for Students with Disabilities Academic Counselor Participants will engage in the discussion on how to support, manage, or refer students who are experiencing emotional dysregulation on campus. Faculty and staff learn optimizing practices for dealing with challenging student behavior or scenarios. Tags: Faculty, Student Experience, Basic Needs: PD Theme 2022-23 |
View Student Distress, Faculty Response, What to Do? Workshop (opens in new window) |
New Faculty Tenure Workshop Presenter: Tre'Shawn Hall-Baker Tre'Shawn Hall-Baker, Dean of Human Resources, will offer a special workshop for new faculty to answer any additional questions they may have about the tenure track process. This will be an opportunity for new faculty to ask clarification questions about this process and the documents that must be submitted. Tags: New Faculty Institute, Faculty, Wellness; Created by New Faculty Institute (NFI) |
Join New Faculty Tenure Workshop (opens in new window) To facilitate a frank conversation, this session will not be recorded. |
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Embracing the Paradigm Shift: Leadership competencies for Student Success The shift from a “Right to Fail” to a “Completion Agenda and Equity Imperative” approach to education, has highlighted the well documented disparities in outcomes for Black, Latinx, and Native/Indigenous Students. At SMC, there has been a process of reimagining the student experience and reorganizing the institution to be more welcoming, accessible, culturally responsive, and academically rigorous. In this session, participants will explore how to implement a Shared Equity Leadership approach at Santa Monica College and the critical competencies needed to embed this change institutionally. Activities will incorporate key findings and recommendations from the Equity Audit to anchor examples and dialogue around issues that are salient to the college community. Tags: Managers, Equity; Created by Equity, Pathways, and Inclusion (EPI) |
HSS 104 No Zoom link. This session will not be recorded. |
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ChatGPT in the Classroom: A Revolutionary Tool or a Threat to Academic Integrity? Presenters: Keith Graziadei, Lea Hald This workshop will explore the uses of ChatGPT, an AI language model, in higher education. We will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using ChatGPT in the classroom, as well as the potential impact on academic integrity. Please come ready to share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas on how ChatGPT will impact your discipline. (Note: This workshop title and portions of the description were created by ChatGPT.) Tags: Faculty, Technology |
HSS 263 or Zoom View ChatGPT Workshop (opens in new window) This session was Hyflex and was recorded. |
New Faculty Workshop: Foundations of Personal and Professional Well-being for Educators The New Faculty Committee has invited Dr. Jackson-Preston (Associate Professor of Public Health at CSUF and Founder of Empowered to Exhale) to discuss wellness as a foundational practice for fulfilling your teaching organizational mission. In this workshop, participants will learn how elements of their lived experience and identity characteristics shape how they define wellness and cope with stress. An intersectional approach encourages participants to examine the need for an individualized approach to wellness, especially for members of marginalized communities or who have lived experiences that are stressful or otherwise negatively impact their well-being. Participants will explore how self-compassion and other tools can help them reframe their approach to wellness and create a sustainable practice. Tags: New Faculty Institute, Faculty, Training: Tenure process; Created by New Faculty Institute (NFI) |
Well-being in the Workplace and Finding a Sustainable Work-life Balance for Faculty Presenters: Joe Robinson of Work to Live. This session will focus on faculty. These are challenging times, but we can rise to them when we manage demands, set boundaries on an unbounded world, cut distractions, interruptions, and messaging and increase attention and quality of life. Using tools from the science, the training shows how to navigate pressure, change, and overwhelm and refuel the chief productivity tool: attention. We also learn how to open up space for the life we are working for and build in the work recovery strategies that recharge energy and optimism in our outlook. Each of us is the entrepreneur of our life. Tags: Faculty, Wellness; Created by CPDC & PDC. |
HSS 165 No Zoom link. This session will not be recorded. |
Developing a Culture of Meaningful Connections with Students through Caring Campus Presenters: The Caring Campus Core Team This session introduces the work Classified Professionals engaged in as part of the Caring Campus Initiative, developed by the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC). The Caring Campus initiative is designed to create a college environment that increases students' sense of connectedness and belonging. Attendees will gain information about the initial work and the behavioral commitments established by the workgroup. Attendees will also find ways to integrate the Caring Campus commitments into their own respective positions and day-to-day interactions with students. Tags: Classified |
HSS 105 No Zoom link. This session will not be recorded. |
SMC--How the Sausage is Made! What Adjuncts need to know about the Academic Senate, Faculty Association and Administration Presenters: Catherine Matheson & Marianne Borgardt Come to this Zoom presentation to learn more about how these important entities affect you, your students and the functioning of the college. Gain a better understanding of how SMC is evolving and hear about the possibilities for getting involved beyond the classroom. Tags: Adjunct Faculty |
SB 1343: Sexual Harassment Avoidance Training for Non-Supervisors Presenter: Linda Subias, HR Analyst This session is for non-supervisors: faculty, department chairs, classified professionals, seasonal and temporary employees Completing this session successfully complies with training mandated by CA State Law Please note this training occurs everyone two years, for 2023/2024 is the current cycle This interactive session will cover sexual harassment, unlawful discrimination, abusive conduct, and Title IX. It also addresses emerging issues, and your rights in the workplace! This is a great time to use this is opportunity to fulfill your legal obligation and to ask questions. * You must be present for the whole time to meet your obligation at SMC * A certificate of completion will be sent to you after completing the course |
Register for Sexual Harassment Avoidance Training Workshop (opens in new window) Note: This session will run until 5:00 pm. |
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Academic Senate Town Hall: Revitalizing The Center Presenter: Jamar London, Dr. Erin Cue, Dr. Lea Hald, and Dr. Jessica Krug Please join us at the first in a series of town hall meetings intended to engage faculty in key issues and challenges facing our college. This session will focus on discussing revisioning Professional Development at SMC and the reimagining of The Center For Teaching Excellence. Tags: Faculty, Basic Needs: PD Theme 2022-23, SMC updates. |
View Recording of Faculty Town Hall First Friday (opens in new window) Recorded on September 2, 2022 |
Transforming College Student Basic Needs: Micro to Macro Level Training Presenter: Ruben Canedo, Co Chair of Basic Needs for UC Systemwide Basic Needs Committee Please join us to continue the conversation with Ruben about supporting ourselves and our students, basic needs, transformative justice and practice emergent strategies centered in love and wisdom. Tags: All employee groups, Basic Needs: PD Theme 2022-23, Ruben Canedo, |
View Recording of Ruben Canedo Workshop (opens in new window) Recorded on October 7, 2022 |
I'm a college student with a disability. Stop treating me like a child. Presenter: Eric Oifer, Nathalie Laille, Reginald Dunn (a current SMC student) and Ojen Shammasian (a former SMC and IxD graduate from SMC). In this session, we will watch the short film I'm a college student with a disability. Stop treating me like a child, then engage in a collective conversation about it and what implications it has for how we educate and support students with disabilities. "In this film by Samuel Habib, 21, and his father, Samuel seeks out guidance from America’s most rebellious disability activists. Because of his disability, 21-year-old Samuel Habib finds that people underestimate him. In this film, he seeks to chart how adults with disabilities build full lives — as a roadmap for himself and others.” Tags: All employee groups, Student experience, Basic Needs: PD Theme 2022-23, |
View Recording of I'm a College Student with a Disability Workshop (opens in new window) Recorded on November 4, 2022 |
Equitable and Effective Hiring Practices Presenter: Dr. Vicenta Arrizon While the benefits of having a diverse and equity-minded faculty are well-researched, diversifying the faculty continues to be a controversial issue within higher education and little progress has been made. Learn more about what we can each do to take action to promote equity in the faculty search process. Understand the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Multiple Methods for EEO that call for centering equity and diversity in recruitment, hiring, evaluation and the tenure review process. Tags: Faculty, Equity. |
View the First Friday on Equitable and Effective Hiring Practices (opens in new window) Recorded on December 2, 2022 |
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Online Student Panel A recording form the January 2023 Online Teaching Winter Institute with current students sharing their experiences with online classes with a focus on what helps them succeed in online classes at SMC. Outcomes: Participants will be able to:
Tags: Faculty, Student Experience, Distance Education; Created by Online Winter Institute. |
Online Instructor Showcase A recording from the January 2023 Online Teaching Winter Institute with faculty giving tours of their Canvas shells to share course design, assignments, and tools with a focus on elements of the CVC-OEI Rubric (opens in new window) Outcomes: Participants will be able to:
Tags: Faculty, Canvas, Distance Education; Created by Online Winter Institute. |