District Planning Policies

SPTF Membership, Purpose, Roles and Operating Procedures


Strategic Planning 2016-2017 Banner

 Work Groups

Three work groups of the SPTF will be created to assist CBT with three projects that compliment that strategic plan update activity:  Student Success, Integrated Planning, and Organizational Structure Review.  The SPTF will coordinate the strategic plan update, as well as overseeing the three projects.  It is expected that the activities of the work groups will be completed by the end of Spring 2017.


Work group members for the three work groups are comprised of representatives from the SPTF.  Additional resource individuals who have responsibility and knowledge related to the project topic have been asked to participate and contribute.  Anyone from the college community is invited to participate in work group activities

Purpose and Activities

Work groups are assisting CBT to gather, review, and analyze information.  CBT will develop recommendations for its final report(s) for each project.  Each project has a purpose and outcomes statement that will guide the work group and focus their activities.

Roles and Operating Procedures

  • Each of the three work groups will identify a lead individual to co-facilitate discussions with CBT consultants.  However, each work group is unique in its purpose and approach to achieving that purpose and may have different calendars and meeting frequency.  Work group members will participate to develop project timelines and calendars.

  • Work group meetings will operate using a consensus model, that is, engaging in discussion with the intent to reach shared agreement and accord.

  • Work group members are asked to use a broad, college-wide, student success-oriented perspective in discussions and activities.   Constituent-based perspectives in these specific topical areas will not be constructive.

  • Work group members must attend all calendared meetings.  If unavailable, the SPTF chair and vice chair together should appoint an alternative representative for the meeting.