Curriculum Committee

Distance Education


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The Santa Monica College Distance Education Program offers faculty members a unique approach to online teaching, innovation in class conversion, and effective non-traditional teaching and learning concepts. The process to submit a proposal is outlined below:

Discuss the Distance Education Proposal

  1. Discuss with the department chairs and other faculty and make possible modifications to the course, given its method of delivery. The course objectives and content remain the same for traditional and distance education delivery.

  2. Ensure that there is sufficient support, the interaction between students and other students, instructor, and content and that the student taking the course will have equivalent experience to students taking the course on-ground.

  3. Review the course outline of record for proposed class and determine what changes will need to be made to offer it via distance education.

Please refer to the Distance Education Presentation (opens in new window) by Gary Huff, Laura Manson, and Tammara Whittaker from the May 6 Curriculum Committee meeting for a complete overview on the regulations, requirements, considerations and Best Practices for submitting a course for Distance Education.

Submit the Distance Education Application

Please note: There is now one workflow in META for all Distance Education proposals – use the “Course: Distance Education (DE)” workflow for submitting courses for fully online, hybrid, and/or emergency distance education (AODECO: Approved for Online Delivery in Emergency Contexts Only). This workflow should also be used for submitting a change from AODECO approval to fully online and/or hybrid. You can select the delivery method in the Distance Education application in META.

  1. Refer to the “Submitting a Course for Distance Education Handbook(PDF File) (opens in new window) ” for the details on how to submit a new or existing course for Distance Education within META.
    Note: If the course has not been updated in the past two years, it must be updated at the time it comes through the Curriculum Committee for DE approvals

  2. Discuss with the department chair and ask for the support of the course proposal, in a department meeting, and have the chair enter the department vote in the “Comments” during their Approval Step in META.

  3. The course will also go through approval from the Curriculum Technical Review before appearing before the committee.

  4. Launch the proposal in META, once the Distance Education application is approved at all stages within META, it will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee, Academic Senate, and approved by the Board of Trustees.


  • If you are encountering technical issues with META, please contact Rachel Demski at