Important Updates...
in-Person Check Pick-up
Please call/email the office before coming to pick up a check at 310-434-4255 or (opens in new window) to request your in-person appointment.
Accepted Payments
- Cash - In Person ONLY
- Check - In Person or by Mail
- Visa - In Person ONLY
- Mastercard - In Person ONLY
- Discover - In Person ONLY
- American Express - In Person ONLY
- Wire Transfer - Must contact Auxiliary Services ( (opens in new window) )
Auxiliary Services: 310-434-4255 (opens in new window)
All messages will receive a response within 1 business day.
General Information
Student Services
- Affidavit Requests
- Wire Transfers
- Returned/Lost Checks
- Account Holds
- Emergency Book Loans
1738 Pearl Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Across the Street from Campus: Campus Map (opens in new window)
Hours of Operation
Tuesday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Accounting Supervisor: Jaime Gonzalez (opens in new window)
Accountant: Samya Gobrial (opens in new window)
Accounting Technician: Rosa Albano (opens in new window)