
Winter Dates & Deadlines


Faculty Deadlines

Winter 2025 Student Dates and Deadlines

Select the session you are taking. Check Corsair Connect for class-specific deadlines.


Important Day or Deadline Date

Continuing Students Enroll

Early November, 2024. Visit Corsair Connect (opens in new window) for your specific enrollment date and time.

New/Returning Students Enroll

Early to Mid-November, 2024. Visit Corsair Connect (opens in new window) for your specific enrollment date and time.

End Web Enrollment (online, hybrid, &
Arranged Hours classes)

Sunday, January 5, 2025.

End Web Enrollment (on-campus classes)

10 p.m. the night before 1st class meeting for classes meeting once per week and courses with a lab

Midnight before 2nd class meeting for other classes 
(if not 90% full)


Monday, January 6

Deadline to withdraw and receive REFUND.

Visit Corsair Connect (opens in new window) for "Refund Deadline"

Deadline to withdraw and AVOID "W"

Visit Corsair Connect (opens in new window) for "Avoid W Deadline"

Deadline to apply for Pass/No Pass. Submit request on Corsair Connect

Visit Corsair Connect (opens in new window) for "Pass/No Pass Grading Deadline" 

Winter Session Final Exam: Finals should happen at last class meeting this week

February 10 - 13


Thursday, February 13

Grades due from Faculty

Thursday, February 20