Class Schedules

Emeritus Summer 2024 Schedule


Download a PDF of the Summer Schedule(PDF File) (opens in new window)

What is SMC Emeritus?

SMC Emeritus, started in 1975, is a noncredit older adult program of Santa Monica College. SMC Emeritus serves over 3,600 students annually and offers over 120 free classes of interest to senior citizens. All classes are held during the day at convenient locations throughout the community or at our home base on Second Street. The name Emeritus refers to people “retired with honor.” All older adults are welcome. For more information, call the SMC Emeritus office at 310-434-4306, visit our website at or stop by our office at 1227 Second Street, Santa Monica.

¿Qué es SMC Emeritus?

SMC Emeritus, inaugurado en 1975, es un programa sin créditos que ofrece Santa Monica College para adultos mayores. SMC Emeritus atiende a más de 3,600 estudiantes anualmente y ofrece más de 120 clases gratuitas de interés a personas de la tercera edad. Todas las clases se llevan a cabo durante el día en lugares accesibles en toda la communidad o en nuestra sede en Second Street. El nombre Emeritus se refiere a personas “jubiladas con honor.” Todos los adultos mayores son bienvenidos. Para más información, llame la oficina de SMC Emeritus al 310-434-4306, visite nuestro sitio web en, o acuda a nuestra oficina ubicada en 1227 Second Street, Santa Monica. Ofrecemos clases en español. Mire dentro de este catálogo para información.

SMC Emeritus Staff

Dr. Scott Silverman, Dean, Noncredit and External Programs
Guadalupe Salgado, Associate Dean (Interim)
Vivian Rankin-Scales, Program Coordinator
Ashley Price, Administrative Assistant
Jessica Riojas, Student Services Clerk


Mady Bergman, Denis Campbell, Suzie Kim, Andrea Roberts, Edgar Wild

Emeritus Student Advisory Council

Student membership of the Associate Dean’s Emeritus Student Advisory Council will be listed on the SMC Emeritus website

SMC Board of Trustees

Dr. Margaret Quiñones-Perez, Chair; Dr. Nancy Greenstein, Vice Chair; Dr. Susan Aminoff; Dr. Tom Peters; Rob Rader; Dr. Sion Roy; Barry Snell; Alyssa Arreola, Student Trustee; Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D., Superintendent/President

About the Emeritus Program Class Schedule

This schedule is prepared by the Santa Monica College office of Marketing and communications
Donald Girard, Senior Director, Government Relations and Institutional Communications
Rebecca Agonafir, Director of Marketing and Communications
Paul Trautwein, Director of Web and Social Media Strategy
Ming-Yea Wei, Marketing Design Coordinator
Jonathan Ng, Senior Graphic Designer
Vivian Chu, Graphic Designer
Ileana Hernandez, Web Services Coordinator
Santa Monica College Contributors: Dr. Kathryn E. Jeffery,  Dr. Scott Silverman, Guadalupe Salgado, Vivian Rankin-Scales, Stephanie Rick, Ashley Price, Jessica Riojas, and Dagmar Gorman.

Annual SMC Emeritus Student Art Exhibition
Visit the Emeritus Gallery website to view the exhibition.

Front cover: Cheri Dickinson, Adrift 2, acrylic on canvas, 16" x 20"

Back cover: Trude Haas, Glass Sculpture, digital photograph

For current exhibition details or more information, call 310-434-4306, or visit the Emeritus Gallery website.