Campus Resources
Calendar (opens in new window) - Official calendar for current academic year.
Canvas - Course Management System.
Psi Beta (SMC Psychology Club) (opens in new window) - Community College National Honor Society for Psychology.
- Psychology Transfer Planning Sheet - A course guide for students planning on transferring to a four-year university with a major in psychology.
Big Blue Bus (opens in new window) - All SMC students with a current student I.D. AND paid Associated Students membership can ride ANY Big Blue Bus at any time for FREE. Please check the SMC Parking & Transportation page for instructions.
- Food Security Programs - Food programs that provide free food to students in need.
Center for Wellness and Wellbeing - Mental health support. Liberal Arts Building, Room 110.
Health Services Center - Located in the northeast corner of the Cayton Center.
Sexual Violence Response and Prevention - Located at 2714 Pico Blvd., 3rd Floor.
Glass for Classes - Provides students glasses that cost up to $180 at a local optometrist's office. Located in the northeast corner of the Cayton Center. Walk in or call Student Help for more information.
Career Closet - Free professional and business attire for students who are preparing for an interview. Located in the Business Office (B220).
Lactation Room - LS 136 has been designated as a private room for students who need to nurse or pump. Please leave the door unlocked unless in use.
Cosmetology Salon - Cosmetology services at low cost performed by students under the supervision of instructors. First floor of the Business building Tuesday-Friday (8 a.m. - 11 a.m & 12:30 p.m - 2:30 p.m.) No appointment is necessary. Cash only. For more information call 310-434-4292.