
SMC Respiratory Care Program

How to Apply

Before You Apply

Application and Admissions Process

Future students can apply to the SMC Respiratory Care program during the open application period from May 1 to June 30th. Please note that applications can be submitted even if pre-requisites are in progress; however, the courses in progress must be completed with a "C" or better, by June 16th, and official transcripts must be on file with the SMC's admissions office, no later than June 30th. 

To make an appointment with Health Sciences counselor please call 310-434-3446.

Program Application - Spring 2024!

Application to the SMC Respiratory Care Program will require an applicant to login with their SMC email account/username (not SMC student ID#) and password.

New students - Please apply for SMC email account/username to Santa Monica College through SMC Admissions and Records Office (opens in new window) .

Returning students- if you have not attended SMC for two consecutive semesters, you must reapply to SMC (opens in new window) .

Important information to note when completing the application.

  • The application is timed to 45 minutes, you may save and continue later.
  • Complete all sections of the Respiratory Care Program application.
  • Upload all relevant supporting documentation as a PDF, once, and in the designated area.
  • Do not submit the application while filling out/reviewing application, use the save option and return to your application later.
Important: once your application is submitted you cannot edit your application or submit a second application.
  • Your application will be considered incomplete if all official transcript(s), AP score report, and/or evaluated foreign transcript are not on file with the SMC Admissions and Records Office by June 30th
  • Incomplete applications will not move forward in the application process and will be deemed ineligible.

The Respiratory Care Program Application (opens in new window) - Apply today!!

*Requirements for admission are subject to change.


Please submit college transcripts covering all program pre-requisite coursework and evaluating general education requirements for the Associate in Science degree by June 30.

Official transcripts must be submitted electronically or mailed directly to SMC Admissions and Records. Please include transcripts from all colleges.

Electronic or mailing transcripts information.

Preparing for the Respiratory Care Major

Students seeking admission to the Respiratory Care major should consider the following information:

  • Prospective applicants should consider taking Introduction to Respiratory Care course to find out more about the program and the profession.

  • To find out more about the SMC RC Program, contact Prof. Santana, Program Director. Phone 310-434-3463. Email.

  • Applicants must have a negative criminal background check and pass a drug screening procedure to participate in any clinical classes.

  • Clinical experience will be arranged in a variety of excellent medical facilities throughout the greater LA area.

  • Before entering into clinical training, students are required to take a state-approved “Legal Obligations and Ethical Responsibilities of Respiratory Care Practitioners in CA” course.

  • The costs associated with the program over the two years are approximately $5,000-$6,000.

*Enrollment in the Respiratory Care program is open to persons regardless of sex, age, marital status, disability, ethnic group, religion or national origin.