Application for Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
The purpose of the Santa Monica Community College District Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is to review expenditure reports to ensure that bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in the ballot measure, to ensure that no bond proceeds are used for any teacher or administrative salaries or other operating expenses, and that bond proceeds are maximized.

Santa Monica College is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion that enriches the District’s mission and supports students in achieving their educational goals.

Application deadline:  May 20, 2022
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Are you currently 18 years of age or older? *
Are you currently an employee or an official of the Santa Monica Community College District, or a vendor, contractor or consultant of the District? *
Please provide a brief statement describing why you would like to be considered for appointment to the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. *
Please list relevant experience to service as a Member of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (may include public or private experience). *
Please indicate organizational representation (if applicable): *
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